If it is in America, this is an American problem. It is not just the election and conflict between parties, as a European I have noticed that there is something very wrong with the American way of being which had not really been so extremely black/white and strongly polarized so that you become your own worst enemy. An American-born man who moved to my country went back to relive his happy childhood, and came home partly in shock, partly in rage. Because he couldn’t believe how things had gone in the last forty years. He wrote a book, “My Damned Fatherland”.
Many who experienced the same, thought the US from the 1980s when G1 was on the air, have died in the meantime. When G4 started in 2010, much of the old way of being was still alive. But halfway through it started to become clear that something had started to go wrong. A holligan atmosphere arose - and it is everywhere, not just in the bronies as the MLP fans are called. We see much of the same in almost everyone, it had become “in” to develop intolerance, bitterness and unfriendliness - the opposite of what the message with MLP: Friendship is Magic, is intended for. Where is all that friendship? Many attack each other here in the thread as well!
By the time the G4 ended, the polarization that had arisen - interestingly enough by 2016 - had almost gotten out of control with open bickering, trench rhetoric and partly hateful outcomes such as “holier than the bible” attitudes. Many fail to realize this. For those who aren’t American, it’s hard to fathom, because they don’t take fictional creatures THAT seriously. I have a clear rule of life that many Americans should perhaps learn; always have a clear and strict distinction between fantasy and reality. It is very helpful.
In short; the Americans have become far too similar to these ponies from S9 in G4 who came out in serious disagreement with each other, and again in the space between G4 and G5. Those who booed do not deserve to be called bronies in my opinion, as they commit a cardinal sin that the fictional heroines of G4 would never have accepted.
From a European point of view to the Americans; you need help. You are on the road to self-destruction. And then it is not about politics, but about people’s behavior and mentality. Should MLP have the same predictive power as The Simpsons?