@Background Pony #CC00
This whole Starlight Glimmer arc feels like DHX is just killing time until the 2017 movie comes out.
@Vinyl Fluff
Ok I have to ask a question here because maybe I’m misunderstanding something. Do you think that if they rebrand the show after the movie they would lose the Trademark on Friendship is Magic; and have to recall all store products to rebrand them with the name of the new show? (in this case Guardians of Harmony) Because I’m positive that is not how it works, they could easily sell stuff under the Friendship is Magic Trademark until the contracts needed to be renegotiated and just switch over then, if they haven’t done so already with separate contracts as if this is happening, they likely have been working on this since season 4 or 5 (heck maybe even 3 if it truly was meant to be the original finale)
@Vinyl Fluff
I think he’s saying that either A) once FiM has run its course; or B) as a separate, side project, they should make a new show tied to the new Guardians of Harmony toyline that already exists. Not that similar complications wouldn’t apply to this idea, but it’s not much different than what they’ve done in the past (e.g. adding the “Friendship is Magic” subtitle to the new line after Gen 3.5 ended).
@Vinyl Fluff
My Little Pony: Guardians of Harmony make the new show under that name with Boulder Media and there you go, the Branding is already set up and ready to go.