Jaysus, lads, are you arguing about the competency of talking cartoon ponies again? It’s been well established by now that ponies are only as competent as the plot demands.
See? No guards to defend Luna in real time and of course Luna and Celestia were really useless for sake. Despite that they were captured by vines even when both were awaken and again…No guards…Changeling really had a tea party.
Luna has to sleep like everypony else.
And just because Celestia had a vision once it doesn´t mean that she knows everything that will happen.
The sad part its Luna is a night princess/knight and Celestia has “see future” powers. So…At least changelings would had reported to Chrysalis: We had a lot injuries, but the princesses finally were captured or something like that.
It is not so hard to defeat them if you have the element of surprise and can defeat them one by one.
Maybe they were even asleep.
@Burger King Leonidas
Who said that they gave up?
It is clear that they were outnumbered at that point.
It also implied that the were simply overwhelmed.
I know the remane5 could be easily defeated by one or two changelings…But Twilight, Shining Armor and the princesses??? Disgusting. Despíte that Starlight like a leader was fine. Even I would be better with some villanous attitide pre-reformation.
Still found it pretty weird how they were able to hold their own just fine but as soon as they see that the building holding the elements is also full of changelings, they just instantly give up?
I do like how upfront the finale is with how shit it is though, like right off the bat they tell you ‘everyone in the main cast got captured offscreen by changeling grunts, even the ones who either easily fought them before and the ones literally too strong to be captured by them.’
The episode had many more problems, but I’m glad they started with such a big one so the audiance knew how low the bar was going to set. And Trixie’s charisma was not enough to save the episode unfortunately.