Well since the forum “last post” counter derped due to a spam comment deletion and this thing got “bumped”…
You would be completely unsurprised at how many people abuse the report queue here to try and get people they disagree with banned or images deleted. Even after slapping a big warning on the report page, we still regularly get people reporting others for the most trivial disagreements or harmless comments, including “he said Rarity is worst pony”, or images because “I disagree with this”, “this is disgusting!”, “makes rainbow dash look bad, delete plz”.
And then there are the ones that drop 10 reports on the same thing because somehow that will make us care more.
Best ones of course are the reports from people that only manage to unintentionally call attention to them being dicks. Y’all know that anon that keeps yelling at anti-twilicorn people and demanding the leave the fandom? He’d report
so many people for practically nothing.
The report queue is the reason Twilight Snapple is my avatar.