You, my dear, are just moments away from getting your gorgeous new cutie mark.
Dehorned Henchmare:
I already picked out the branding irons for that particular ceremony! BUT, I would like to go first with __MY ceremony of earning my place next to our future alicorn queen’s throne!__
I have ALL the iron horn prosthetics ready for that occasion! Would you mind picking out the best one for me, dear comrade??
Iron horn prosthetics? What an anodyne abrasive beyond such biodegradable shrouds, even Krator’s artillery couldn’t smash through a sturdier guardrail without other soldiers standing their ground and biting their dust while their hordes of backup troops come looking for their discount.
Dehorned Henchmare:
Explain to me why the hoss even hired Mr Old Ponish Encyclopedia to our anti-social circle…
I just want to watch this stinky little dragon fall first.
Dehorned Henchmare:
Carve out his heart out first for me though, my Excellency! Consider this a bonus for capturing both the dragon AND those valuable cutie mark assets!