(please do not respond to this topic unless you know what it’s about AND have seen the site, also don’t post the link to the secret testing site here)
Congratulations! You found the super secret redesign beta testing site. This topic is probably very confusing for anyone who hasn’t come from the place the link to this topic is intended to reside. Anyway, I’m here to put some of the concerns at ease:
Q: OMG redesign sucks, I hate it, everything looks broken and crappy!
A: …okay? Got it out of your system? Good. Now calm down and read this thread a bit further.
Q: Seriously, though, why does it look so broken?
A: The code is incomplete, simple as that. The base is only 40% or so finished, and I have had no chance to look closer at changing the actual HTML templates. I’ve been at work making a CSS framework (think something like Bootstrap or Tailwind, but of my own creation) that I am proud of.
Q: I hate the round corners! And what’s with the lack of borders everywhere! AND FORCED CENTERED LAYOUT??? THIS SUCKS!
A: All of these things (and many many more) will be configurable in redesign, since the new frontend code base lets us offer these customizations, while the old one didn’t offer this flexibility.
Q: Why are you doing this?
A: Because I like suffering. On a more serious note, though, redesign will allow us to offer more customization options to you, while also making it much easier to code the themes and frontend of the site. The current design has been made in 2015 and it was wonderful for the time, but as time passes we bump very painfully both into its shortcomings, as well as bloat it accumulated over the years of various updates and features implementations.
Q: OK but why not just keep the appearance the same? Why change the looks?
A: Because I think I can do better. I think the redesign, when finished, will offer you a better browsing experience, especially on phones (which are now the dominant source of traffic coming to our site, by the way). The desktop browsing experience will remain largely the same, just with some fresh coat of paint on top of it, while the mobile design will see a complete overhaul and the biggest layout changes.
Q: What will change?
A: Primarily the CSS stylesheets of the site. If you’re unfamiliar with what CSS is, think of it like a technical description of how the site is supposed to look. In conjunction with HTML, which determines what belongs where, it can make things more presentable for the end user.
Q: What else will change?
A: Some layouts of the site were hastily slapped together while we were making Philomena, while being on huge time constraints to move away from Booru-on-Rails. Those will be seeing changes, for example the UI of account settings page, or the entirety of the moderation tools.
Q: Will you add/change/remove X?
A: Maybe. Maybe not. I currently have an internal plan, and I’m sticking to it. When I’m through with my plan, I’ll see if I can make some of the suggestions I hear happen. Due to the scope of the redesign being entirely within the layout/looks of the site, I can’t do anything that requires altering existing controllers, or changing database.
Q: I have feedback about the current state of the redesign!
A: If something looks broken, chances are I know about it and simply haven’t gotten the chance to look at it yet. If something doesn’t look broken but you still have feedback about it, feel free to tell me.
Q: I have a suggestion!
A: Sure, I’d love to hear it!
I repeat, do not respond to this topic unless you know what’s going on.