But we even had maths and religion, related to the picture of course but it’s not what we should expect to see in an image of two happy gay and colorful ponies.. I guess.
@Nittany Discord
I have a little gender chart I bring out in conversations like this.
On one side is deeply feminine.
On the other is deeply masculine.
People are born somewhere on that chart and stay in that position, roughly.
It affects not only gender but also sexuality and stuff.
That’s how I really eliminate the tumblrs from the gender pool.
It’s not off topic for where this thread has been, but it’s not really related to the image. And I just want to make sure that people know this isn’t the only safe place on the site to talk.
@Donald J. Trump
You thought I was being a special snowflake and treating sexuality like a fashion? Nah. I don’t like to do that. I know it’s absurd. I identify based on feelings and reality, not to fit into a group or trend.
@Tranquil Night
I’m fine with identifying as bisexual or pansexual. I don’t want to get into the gritty details and microlabeling myself like that.
I identify as a heteroromantic bisexual. Romantic attractions and sexual attractions are two totally different aspects of attraction. The want to hug and talk past the “friend stage” is romantic attraction, and umm… I think you can probably guess what sexual attraction is.
Take these terms:
A~~, Hetero~~, Homo~~, Bi~~, Pan~~, or Poly~~
And add romantic to them and then do it again but add sexual to them, if you have a split between your romantic and sexual attractions. This hopefully gives you a better way to label yourself. :)
@Tranquil Night
Every person I know cherry-picks from the Bible. No-one follows it perfectly, especially the Old Testament because if they did, we would be living under a very oppressive, barbaric code of law. In fact, just the death of Jesus negates the entire Old Testament, but I feel many people don’t like the idea of sinners exploiting that for “get out of hell free” cards, hence why people still demand others follow old ways to “honor” God, not knowing that they are being bigger sinners than the people they condemn at times.
The best Christians I know are the ones that follow only the core values of the belief, accepting anyone regardless of personal opinion.