I actually made a really neat picture of that kind of thing where my OC was in front of a man-made gateway to Equestria built in a Government research facility. I should try to find it again.
I may be mistaken, but I believe that may be a shark, not a bat. Hard to remember with 1600 characters. But that one does look very familiar to me.
If someone wants to put in the effort… But I don’t know how feasible that would be.
Joey said the sign was just a reference and doesn’t actually mean anything about the location. But, Joey did say he pictured this to be near Ponyville.
Thanks for the detailed reply. I suppose you have an aspect ratio to consider, but I was referring in essence to the idea that basically the background above the mountaintops could have been cropped out and the fliers would have more neatly filled the space. It would have put the weight bias for the banner arch a lot on the top-heavy side, which could have demanded a repositioning of the thing, depending on how nit-picky you are, and meant breaking up your uniform line/column ordering…but that sort of thing is subject to your whims.
I consider submitting to this every year, but I’ve stood off a bit from things since the fandom took a major shift towards more conventional lines around the middle of the decade, and just can’t seem to bring myself to do it. Nice work though, all things considered; tenacity is great to see in art.