You know, that’s a pretty good point rite thur. DWM has not only increased the acceptance of it as a joke, but in some forms encouraged it as a way to ‘fight the politically correct’ Total Streisand Effect at work here. Reminds me of how Chik-fil-A coming out for Prop 8 made them oodles more money than it cost them since a bunch of people who never went there before decided to try it out. In fact it seems to work best for relatively under-radar or low-tier/low-key works, especially in electronics and music. (this is largely why, even with death threats pouring in, yamino used to laugh about derpygate) Who knew of Mike Diana before they tried to ban Hard Boiled Angel? But afterwards!
Heck, post-controversy media and the creators both credit the Night Trap bannings for driving the sales through the roof. Ditto with Postal and GTA3. While one can argue perhaps PP herself knows this, especially after those latest posts of hers with NotMolestia, it seems all the rest of DWM don’t realise what they’ve done, especially not after trying to take down Mayde.
Face it you chumps, PinkiePony played ya’ll like fiddles, and now you
have to outshine her in fanatical idiocy to make it seem like you were all against Molly in the first place!