Due to Marble’s line of wanting to drape a cloth over a bodyulder, out of context this sounds like there’s a dead guy in the barn and she needs help hiding it’.
I just got done reading a manga series that took me about two weeks to read fully. During that time I actually forgot how to read a American comic properly. For the first few pages of this I was like: “Why is the dialogue out of order?”
Until I figured it out again and it all made sense.
@Background Pony #36B7
Diamond Dogs aren’t exactly high on the intellect scale. The three in the show didn’t know how to keep Rarity quite (probably due to rating restrictions) and the comics made the entire Diamond Dogs’ culture to be dim.
That time with the pup would actually be a more unique story. Not a critique, just saying, Human in Equestria is its own genre and this is the first mention of a diamond dog pup I’ve found. Of course, I haven’t really been looking.
@Background Pony #D83B
True, but consider that previous case. Now imagine the sort of damage that a diamond dog pup could do on a rock farm. Suffice to say, I think there’s an established precedent of Marble’s “little secrets” turning out to be huge disasters.
Not digging Maud prying like this. Privacy is not the same as secrecy. This is why I’m glad that the closest family member to me is on the other side of the country. More people should learn how to mind their own business.
dyulder, out of context this sounds like there’s a dead guy in the barn and she needs help hiding it’.Until I figured it out again and it all made sense.
Anon x Boulder mpreg
Diamond Dogs aren’t exactly high on the intellect scale. The three in the show didn’t know how to keep Rarity quite (probably due to rating restrictions) and the comics made the entire Diamond Dogs’ culture to be dim.
Also that a diamond dog pup has intelligent, diamond dog parents, who will be seeking the pup.
I like Maud’s pose in the middle-right panel. Inquisitive. And I, too, am hoping for interspecies nookie.
Here ya go, buddy. Place exclamation points between the urls next time c:
True, but consider that previous case. Now imagine the sort of damage that a diamond dog pup could do on a rock farm. Suffice to say, I think there’s an established precedent of Marble’s “little secrets” turning out to be huge disasters.
She really IS another Fluttershy.
Love makes them mutate. XD
Nah. Raised well in a loving home, they turn into Winona.
It grew up to be Rover.
Assuming diamond dogs age like regular dogs.
… ……. ………. ….. … .. . …… ………… ……..?
and that’s my honest opinion whether yal like it or not.