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Pony Discussion » I need advice about MLP part 4 (Sandbar) » Post 2

Pony Discussion » I need advice about MLP part 4 (Sandbar) » Post 1

Pony Discussion » I need advice about MLP part 4 (Sandbar) » Topic Opener


Now Sandbar’s up next. Well start with…
I mean no disrespect to his voice actor. But If Sandbar is a kid or preteen, The voice he had seems both too old for him, And too cartoony for him. At least, I remember it sounded that way. I need to provide him with a new one. So does anyone know a voice that sounds younger and more realistic that would suit him well? Even from a franchise of a different company?
I can’t redesign Sandbar until I understand what his body should look like if anthro? How skinny is he? How jacked is he? How thick are his limbs?
If there’s a female model that suits Sandbar if it were male, I can make a male version of it. But only if the model would suit Sandar. So any of the N’s that would suit the design for a anthro Sandbar? And do I have to base it on what his future self looks like? Which N would that be if so?
If Sandbar werer anthro or human, Then what should I give Sandbar for casual wear?
What would he wear as her rain wear?
And what would he wear as her winter wear?
Any suggestions?
What are his likes?
What are his dislikes?
What is his personality?
What are his skills?
And what are his abilities?
Because the redesigns come with bios
How old is Sandbar? And how slow does he and his race age compared to humans and dragons?
That’s all the questions I have about Sandbar. Hope you read em and are willing to provide info if you have any,

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subjectFull TextMatches the title of the topic.subject:time wasting thread
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