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Pony Discussion » I need advice about MLP part 3 (Fluttershy) » Topic Opener


She’s not my favourite either. But she is 1 of the main characters alongside Spike and Twilight. So fluttershy’s up next.
Fluttershy’s hair is too cartoony for my redesign, So I think I’d best provide her with a new one. So what would Fluttershy’s hair look like if redesigned in anthro form? Is there an option that would suit her in this selection I made?
I mean no disrespect to her voice actress, But Fluttershy’s voice is just too cartoony for my redesigns. She will need a more realistic one. So do you have any suggestions? Any other characters you know that sound like a more realistic Fluttershy?
What should I give Fluttershy for casual wear? Should I go with what the first EQG movie gave her? Or does it not count due to it being a different Fluttershy? Is there a different option that would Suit the “PONY” Fluttershy from the MLP FIM if she were anthro?
And what would she wear as her rain wear?
And what would she wear as her winter wear?
What are her likes?
What are her dislikes?
What is her personality?
What are her skills?
And what are her abilities?
I came up with some ideas already. But do some need to be cut? Or Add? Or stay because they’re accurate to Fluttershy?
Race: Pony (Sky)
Alignment: Good
Age: 17-19
Likes: Looking after Animals.
Dislikes: individuals being jackasses, Violence, Animals being scared of her when there is no need to, anything bad happening to animals whether under her care or not, And the season humans call Halloween.
Personality: Caring, Kind and shy.
Skills: She’s good with animals.
Abilities: Flight
How old is Fluttershy? And how slow does she and her race age compared to humans and dragons?
Fluttershy usually looks after animals. 1 or more of the animals she looks after is a pig. Does that mean she wears green rubber boots or brown rubber boots or any sort of water-proof and mud-proof boots as casual wear, Or does she only use them for tasks that they’re useful or needed for? And what do the boot soles look like?
Mission wear
With how often she goes with Twilight, Spike and the other main characters of the series on amazing adventures where they try to stop villains from using magic for their evil ends, It’s likely she’d wear an outfit people would wear when on missions. Would she if she were anthro? If so, What does it look like? I have some concepts here you can use to make up a mission wear for Fluttershy.
But it needs to suit her, And be one she’d wear if anthro and needed on a mission. And would it be like the bodysuit Rouge had in Sonic Prime or have some armoured padding like those of the Storm Hawks? and would she carry a weapon? If so, what sort of weapon?
That’s all the questions I have about Fluttershy. And we’ll be doing Sandbar next.

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