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General Discussion » My thoughts on the legal systems of the world: » Topic Opener

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Creative entertainer!
People like to complain and have dozens of human rights events for the penal system reform, even though we all know that nothing ever comes from them; prisons will always be just as sadistic as the criminals they keep.
And we’re supposed to be surprised that humans are naturally this depraved? What makes them any better than the ones who harm the innocent? Many of them use this as their means of committing crimes without any fear of persecution. You, of course, cannot do these things, oh, but they can, and that’s absolutely acceptable, right?
These law-abiding people are just as much savages as the ones they keep contained within their walls. Frankly, I have a hard time telling apart the police from the criminals most of the time. Call it a case of mild-to-extreme, common-sense schizophrenia.
As the Joker once said, “And I thought my jokes were terrible.”
It’s oddly comforting that no matter how chronically unfunny I am, there are always people out there who are worse. And I no longer accept “choices have consequences” as an excuse to justify being evil.
Say it with me, fellas; “Evil is evil, regardless of which side you’re standing on.” I became borderline cynical upon the epiphany that I’m stranded in a world full of malignant narcissists who all believe that evil can be justified if it’s done to those who have committed it before they had the chance to do so.

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authorLiteralMatches the author of this post. Anonymous authors will never match this
bodyFull TextMatches the body of this post. This is the default field.body:test
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subjectFull TextMatches the title of the topic.subject:time wasting thread
topic_idLiteralMatches the numeric surrogate key for the topic this post belongs to.topic_id:7000
topic_positionNumeric RangeMatches the offset from the beginning of the topic of this post. Positions begin at 0.topic_position:0
updated_atDate/Time RangeMatches the creation or last edit time of this post.updated_at.gte:2 weeks ago
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