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Roleplaying » [Potentially NSFW] Looking for a long term story RP and worldbuilding » Post 2

Roleplaying » [Potentially NSFW] Looking for a long term story RP and worldbuilding » Post 1

Roleplaying » [Potentially NSFW] Looking for a long term story RP and worldbuilding » Topic Opener


What I am looking for:
|A longer story with plenty of mystery, intrigue, action, world building, potentially romance too.
|A partner who is passionate about rping and their rp related interests (I know, it’s cheesy)
|Themes such as Sci-fi/Post-apoc/Fantasy
|Someone who is alright with pulling inspirations from other sources, or someone who does this themselves.
What I am NOT looking for:
|Short responses
|Bad English
|Purely ERP
|Purely normal RP *
|Low effort or interest
I’m wanting to find a long term partner to play with for a long while now, I love world building and role playing and have done both for years and I also like taking the lead in a story’s progression. (But I also love being along for the ride/sharing the role of DM)
Pulling inspiration from games, pictures, and music is always preferred, especially in a place of nostalgia, as those inspirations always hold the most passion. Out of the world settings I like the most. I’ve been in a huge sci-fi mood lately, but I also enjoy high fantasy, along with Post-apocalypses.
Talia Lilac is my main character. She’s a smaller than average pink pegasus. Normally She is quite clever, or even smart in the case of Scifi stuff. However, she’s weak in any kind of confrontation, save for those that rely on words. She can be extremely cuddly and caring
ERP stuff:
I include themes of ERP in a case by case basis. I’m extremely kinky, but I also love story as much as I love erp; what I love even more is a story reason to have a kinky moment, such as getting kidnapped, stuck in a spider’s cave, or even something as simple as romance.
I play submissive 90%+ of the time, and the times I play dom are extremely rare and specific, so don’t expect that.
Please DM me if you’re interested/have questions! I prefer Roleplaying over Discord and will give my User and # out to anyone who seems seriously interested.

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Field SelectorTypeDescriptionExample
authorLiteralMatches the author of this post. Anonymous authors will never match this
bodyFull TextMatches the body of this post. This is the default field.body:test
created_atDate/Time RangeMatches the creation time of this post.created_at:2015
idNumeric RangeMatches the numeric surrogate key for this
myMetamy:posts matches posts you have posted if you are signed in. my:posts
subjectFull TextMatches the title of the topic.subject:time wasting thread
topic_idLiteralMatches the numeric surrogate key for the topic this post belongs to.topic_id:7000
topic_positionNumeric RangeMatches the offset from the beginning of the topic of this post. Positions begin at 0.topic_position:0
updated_atDate/Time RangeMatches the creation or last edit time of this post.updated_at.gte:2 weeks ago
user_idLiteralMatches posts with the specified user_id. Anonymous users will never match this term.user_id:211190
forumLiteralMatches the short name for the forum this post belongs