Since its establishment in the early days of 2012, Derpibooru has grown from an ambitious little project to the largest My Little Pony imageboard on the Internet, a place with a thriving and ever-changing community.
The previous design has been with us since the launch and had accumulated a lot of cruft over the years. This made it much harder for us to support it and add new features. We had reached a point where we needed to start over.
As you may have seen over the past week, we invited you to test a new design built to be more consistent and use new web standards. This should make it both more performant for you and easier to maintain for us.
As part of inviting you to test, we’ve responded to and integrated your feedback. We hope this has resulted in a design that is far better suited to all of you than it would have been if we had sprung it upon you as a surprise.
Beyond the new design, there are a couple of things you may want to try out. Namely, a Centered Layout option and a redesigned dark theme, located in the Display tab under Settings.
In case you see something you’re not happy with, please take a few days to see if you get used to it. Having something familiar change is always uncomfortable at first, but a bit of time usually takes care of that.
With that being said, we’re still open to bug reports and feature suggestions! Leave a reply in this thread, and don’t forget to mention your operating system and the browser you’re using when describing any issues — this information will allow us to resolve them faster.
The previous design has been with us since the launch and had accumulated a lot of cruft over the years. This made it much harder for us to support it and add new features. We had reached a point where we needed to start over.
As you may have seen over the past week, we invited you to test a new design built to be more consistent and use new web standards. This should make it both more performant for you and easier to maintain for us.
As part of inviting you to test, we’ve responded to and integrated your feedback. We hope this has resulted in a design that is far better suited to all of you than it would have been if we had sprung it upon you as a surprise.
Beyond the new design, there are a couple of things you may want to try out. Namely, a Centered Layout option and a redesigned dark theme, located in the Display tab under Settings.
In case you see something you’re not happy with, please take a few days to see if you get used to it. Having something familiar change is always uncomfortable at first, but a bit of time usually takes care of that.
With that being said, we’re still open to bug reports and feature suggestions! Leave a reply in this thread, and don’t forget to mention your operating system and the browser you’re using when describing any issues — this information will allow us to resolve them faster.