After Nightmare Night, Pipsqueak grew from simply favoring the Princess of the Night to falling in love with her. From her adorable socially awkward mannerisms to her ethereal presence, Pipsqueak practically became obsessed with her image. He worked hard in school, and began being more active as her grew up. He knew that he could become close to the princess if he happened to bulk up to become a night guard. Although, he knew that not many earth ponies became night guards, due to bat ponies being the most sought after.
It was many years later until Pip finally got his cutie-mark, a compass that signified his passion for exploration and adventure. He grew less obsessed with Princess Luna, but his love had not dampened despite their distance. Pip began exploring, gaining experience and training with many veterans of the guard and ponies of war. Pip grew wise with their tales and his own experiences, soon returned to Equestria to seek out a position in the guard. He was quickly accepted in, due to his skill and the word of many past guards.
At first, Princess Luna didn’t recognize Pip, due to her memory of him being a tiny little colt who could barely walk without tripping over himself. Seeing him so much older and handsomer? It was definitely a shock. She didn’t really know how to handle such a position, but tried to keep their relationship simply business. Although, it became harder and harder as she began to fall in love with him, due to his chivalry and wit. Finally Celestia noticed their entirely-obvious love and how they tip-toed around it, so she gave Luna a shove in the right direction during the Grand Galloping Gala. Princess Luna and Pip danced, and sang, and eventually kissed.
It wasn’t long before the two were announced to be married. The wedding was a very beautiful one, with many of the night guard and aristocrats attending, not to mention all of Pip’s friends from Ponyville and his adventures. And with their love, they soon had a child.
This child was named Moon Crater, due to her appearance when she was born.
Moon Crater is a very active and spunky filly, about as energetic as Pip when he was that age. Happy-go-lucky if a bit shy, Moon Crater is much unlike most royals or upper-class ponies in Canterlot. In fact, she prefers being in Ponyville rather than the bustling city. Moon Crater’s talent will be star-gazing, keeping a watchful eye on the sky in case anything might be happening while the Princesses are unaware.