@Background Pony
sort of, the ‘frog’ is a softer structure under the hoof that cushions footfalls and pump blood back into the leg.
Of course, it doesn’t look like that, but eh, It’s cute like this.
Damn, I come back to this picture to see possible comments and I find a massive shit storm waiting. I do find it amusing that someone is trying to argue real horse physics to cartoon horses however. But frankly I could care less anyway.
I like to think the cartoon Ponies have sensitive hooves but thats just because I’m terrible human being with a tickle fetish :P But at least I’m honest damn it.
Seriously though, just let people have their imaginary fun. No ones arguing RL Horse Hooves anyway.
@Background Pony
I wrote ‘sensual fiction’ for /co/, ponibooru and ponychan, yes
Haha I seriously didn’t think anyone remembered who I was at all since it’s been so long and what I did wasn’t that special, but I have thought about doing more many times since then… unfortunately I missed some golden opportunities like when the rarity x celly’s hooves thing was new and just some not-even-necessarily-hoof-centric stuff… But seeing a pic like this, just, it really gets the blood pumping to go back and make a few more sometime soon, y’know?…
I’m glad you guys like my dumb old stuff, though <3