All but one of Lyra’s official toy releases call her Lyra Heartstrings, not just Heartstrings alone, so I’m pretty sure she’s unaffected here.
The most cunfuzzling part with that is her other cutie mark is the same as Cloud Kicker’s. BGP is confused!
Cloudchaser has a split personality named Stormwalker whose cutie mark is the same as Cloud Kicker’s. It hurt itself in confusion!
They should just go with what I’ve been saying for months: Cloudchaser has split personalities, and her cutie mark changes to match them. Now we can name one of them Stormwalker.
One personality chases clouds and one walks on storms?
…maybe the Stormwalker side of her is similar to sleep walking? another theory
Whenever Ponyville or another part of Equestria is scheduled for a large storm, one pegasus remains to monitor the storm for any irregularities, like a fire caused by stray lighting, or perhaps to rescue ponies who haven’t taken shelter?
That pony is the Stormwalker, and Cloudchaser is Ponyville’s primary Stormwalker.
>>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M9T5aTVwNs approximately 3:40 in. “Stretch those glutes, Flitter! NICE flexibility, Cloudchaser! A LITTLE too much flexibility, Blossomforth! Uh, somepony give Blossomforth a hoof?”