Artist’s Description
Umbrum are parasitic creatures made of shadow that cling to a pony and feed off their doubt, their fears, and their despair. They created horrible, reoccurring nightmares that chip away at the host’s sanity so that they become more malleable and influential. Umbrums usually target ponies who are either powerful magic users or in a place of society power, as they can do the most damage with the less resources. Once the host is “drained”, the Umbrum is then strong enough to leave the host and hold a form.
Before long, Crystal Queen Amore’s beautiful city was overrun with fire and smoke as ponies who were once friends turned on each other out of paranoia and delirium. Heart broken by this, Amore used her tears and the love she had for her citizens to create her most powerful gem, the Crystal Heart. It’s light and love pushed back the Umbrum, and with it, was able to lock them away into a crystal cluster, deep within the snowy wasteland.
Every years, on the day of the Umbrum’s defeat, a Crystal Faire is hosted to recharge the Crystal Heart, and also remind everypony of their love and friendship they share with each other.