
@Background Pony #E052
There have been at least a dozen moments where the joker felt remorse and even one where he was made sane for a moment by the martian manhunter and begged for people to stop him.
They didn’t.
Much like how Discord can potentially endanger entire nations like Celestia and get a pat on the back.
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@Background Pony #E052
A school that teaches how to interact and mesh with people is also a master class on manipulation and control.
If one goes in wanting to control, they are going to use it that way, not learn how to make amends and be a better person regardless of the classes.
They’d need to be confronted and their reasoning be addressed.
Background Pony #E052
@Armando Salazar
it was stated she would never change by chrysalis herself
Background Pony #E052
@Armando Salazar
The Batman is actually the worse argument for the redemption thing, all of that just because of the Joker, he made so much damage to million of persons at the point the fans thinks Batman should kill Joker, even in the same comics Harley Quinn tells Batman he should kill Joker.
The Joker is the representation about not putting limits to the redemption and i know that applies with Discord but that’s the thing, if Discord can’t be redeemed at all by mane6, why would the equestrians want to redeem Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy which made a racial war, and Chrysalis done worse things previously without be jailed?
The problem isn’t about if they forgot the trio or not, the trouble is the nepotism which was the result of the Grogar’s twist and status quo, if Grogar was the final villain and redeem the trio with their actions everything will be fine, if they stoned Discord with the trio everything will be finein moral but people will discuss about how awful was the script.
Discord is nowhere near comparable to joker after s2, discord actually has remorse and wants to be a better person and has done good things and does good in his own way. The joker just wants destruction and will never change and has done worse things than discord.

@Background Pony #E052
Starswirl used another world as a dumping ground and is responsible for a lot of problems.
Stygian would’ve been back in purgatory were it not for combined efforts.
Trixie would be locked up for the dark magic she used.
Their intentions don’t change the actions and we’ve seen characters have their lives ruined over petty garbage with the Mane Six on multiple occasions when the Mane Six do comparably bad things and get a “Daw, you can try again!”.
Scolar Visary
Non-Fungible Trixie -

Autarch Of Helghan
Keeping the country safe from chrysalis who said they’ll never change and will always return seems like a makeup to me.
When was it stated she would never change? stop pulling sources out of your rear. Discord also mocked the six when they tried to reform him. Do u not get that?
I think your having way too much sympathy for them
I think the problem is you don’t have any because your love for the hypocrites OVERULES your reason.
they were monsters used to help make sweet hearted twilight be ready to rule
I guess the Biscari massacre by your logic was justified. Nice going bruh.
but im sure the point is its the same principle that antiheroes make pragmatic moves that involving monsters. Discord acted as a commander.
Ahhhh so getting rid of someone you consider a monster or a problem to make someone else better is a very plausible concept? I guess dictators like Augusto Pinochet , Saddam were heroes for killing all those people that were considered a threat.
Hmmm yeah, I am fairly sure you could justify Hitler if you wanted too so I won’t respond to you any further.
Background Pony #E052
@Background Pony #84AF
Is that why Celestia had him released despite showing no remorse? The fact of the matter is that he had help from someone like Fluttershy to get him to that point and even then he kept having to learn not to be horrible. The trio, meanwhile received no such guidance nor chances.
Yes, Celestia took a big risk with Discord that could have easily backfired. But notably, Celestia only had Discord released after millennia of petrification. By your reasoning, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow should be given that same treatment and only be offered a possibility of redemption after a similar amount of time petrified, not immediately after they’ve been defeated.
This makes so much sense thank u
Non-Fungible Trixie -
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@Armando Salazar
The Batman is actually the worse argument for the redemption thing, all of that just because of the Joker, he made so much damage to million of persons at the point the fans thinks Batman should kill Joker, even in the same comics Harley Quinn tells Batman he should kill Joker.
The Joker is the representation about not putting limits to the redemption and i know that applies with Discord but that’s the thing, if Discord can’t be redeemed at all by mane6, why would the equestrians want to redeem Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy which made a racial war, and Chrysalis done worse things previously without be jailed?
The problem isn’t about if they forgot the trio or not, the trouble is the nepotism which was the result of the Grogar’s twist and status quo, if Grogar was the final villain and redeem the trio with their actions everything will be fine, if they stoned Discord with the trio everything will be finein moral but people will discuss about how awful was the script.
Background Pony #E052
Its literally a school that teaches friendship if she doesn’t learn friendship than and doesn’t regret betraying us after we showed her kindness id say screw her too kid or not.
Background Pony #43E7
@Background Pony #43E7
Which in turn goes back to the Starlight, Trixie, Starswirl, Stygian ect would all still be screwed bit.
Celestia makes a lot of poor decisions that turn out good due to plot armor or deus ex machina writing.
The fact that you have to lump minor antagonists like Trixie and someone like Star Swirl who isn’t even an antagonist into your list just shows how thin and baseless your argument is.
Background Pony #71A1
@Background Pony #E052
As Grim said, it is not the same as an opportunity for redemption. Cozy had a completely different view of friendship and barely participated in extracurricular activities. Those circumstances would have reformed no one, especially when no one knew what she was actually like. Twilight could have helped her with that viewpoint, maybe actually try to get her to explain why her idea of friendship was wrong, but instead she just happily let her get locked in a small empty metal cage and placed next to the millenia old supervillain.
Background Pony #E052
Yeh starswirl trixie and stygian aren’t comparable to the trio i think your seriously downplaying how horrible they are and before u claim u aren’t downplaying i want u to list all the horrible things each character of the trio has done and why. Otherwise yur argument has no basis as u only want to hate on the good guys but not hold the villains accountable.

@Background Pony #E052
Is still a school not a reformatory action or active influence when one is already gaming the system and being applauded for it.
Don’t compare two things that do not operate in the same way.

@Background Pony #E052
Intentions=/= innocence.
She committed similar atrocities, and as such will be judged similarly.
And I’d hardly call lying and restricting information to ones only active piece on the board with no plan B good intentions.
Background Pony #E052
Deletion reason: Rule #0

@Background Pony #43E7
Which in turn goes back to the Starlight, Trixie, Starswirl, Stygian ect would all still be screwed bit.
Celestia makes a lot of poor decisions that turn out good due to plot armor or deus ex machina writing.
Background Pony #E052
@Armando Salazar
@Armando Salazar
Keeping the country safe from chrysalis who said they’ll never change and will always return seems like a makeup to me. I think your having way too much sympathy for them is my point they were monsters used to help make sweet hearted twilight be ready to rule while Batman is more just than discord Ofc lol but im sure the point is its the same principle that antiheroes make pragmatic moves that involving monsters. Discord acted as a commander.
Celestia also acted as a commander to make sure twilight was a successful leader of equestrian. There intentions are inherently more good than the trios

@Background Pony #E052
Being at a school =/= chance at redemption.
No one attempted to curb her desires or methods or change Cozy’s outlook they just smiled and waved.
Background Pony #43E7
@Background Pony #84AF
Is that why Celestia had him released despite showing no remorse? The fact of the matter is that he had help from someone like Fluttershy to get him to that point and even then he kept having to learn not to be horrible. The trio, meanwhile received no such guidance nor chances.
Yes, Celestia took a big risk with Discord that could have easily backfired. But notably, Celestia only had Discord released after millennia of petrification. By your reasoning, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow should be given that same treatment and only be offered a possibility of redemption after a similar amount of time petrified, not immediately after they’ve been defeated.
Background Pony #E052
@Background Pony #71A1
Celestia had him released to be used as a tool, its possible for their redemption but they would have to work hard for it especially after trying to murder twilight and her friends.
@Background Pony #71A1
Correction Cozy was at a school of friendship learning friendship kid or not she got more chances than tirek or chrysalis

@Background Pony #84AF
Celestia routinely put the entire nation at risk to further Twilights path to being an alicorn and literally sent six civilians(without the Elements) to fight a master dark mage in an empire without any real defenses.
The entire Crystal empire, Shining, Cadence, it’s people were used as a bargaining chip and lived by blind luck.
Scolar Visary
Non-Fungible Trixie -

Autarch Of Helghan
Does Batman not have good intentions because he beats the snot out of criminals every night? Good intentions doesn’t mean making the most pure hearted choices but its still good intentions, he also wasn’t forgiven for having good intentions he was forgiven for putting his life in danger to make things right do u not get that?
Horsefeathers. Batman stops active criminals after they are beaten they never get killed. The law takes over. He also never entraps or uses criminals for his plans either.
What a shitty comparison.
do u not get that?
Get what making things right is to dispose you pawns in cruel way after you were the one to put the there in the first place? what kind of a good intention is that?
do u not get that?
The theme of the show is remorse and u fail to notice how discord grows every time he messes up.
The theme of the show is friendship forgiveness love.
Do u also not get that?
Background Pony #84AF
Celestia and Luna are good keeping citizens safe and happy and protect their country from those who will harm it. There in no way comparable to the trio
Background Pony #71A1
@Background Pony #84AF
Is that why Celestia had him released despite showing no remorse? The fact of the matter is that he had help from someone like Fluttershy to get him to that point and even then he kept having to learn not to be horrible. The trio, meanwhile received no such guidance nor chances.