
@northern haste
Chrysalis was introduced super early in the G4 series, a series who’s
popularity familiarity is an landslide G5 would have work x1000 over to compete with. Its no secret it stands on G4’s shoulders.
(I crossed out popularity because, now that the show is over, I can’t think of many shows so popular that shot itself in the foot so many times.)
Tirek is now the mark of any mlp show with a threat level, including G4 AND G1.
The only one they would need to FULLY re-introduce is Cozy and, let’s face it, not as many people are eager for her to return. No one even knew what the writers were going with for her besides ripping off the Cats Don’t Dance villain.
“I’m an evil child!”
“Wha-(~ DOOR SLAM ~)”
northern haste
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Enter if you dare
@Background Pony #263C
G5 is supposed to be a soft reboot meaning if they did want to do anything with them they would need to fully re introduce them So watching G4 is not a requirement
Background Pony #263C
@Smart Heart
I wonder if any G5 material will touch on this. If not, someone can contact the G5 staff when it ends years from now to ask what they imagine happened to the trio when magic disappeared (hopefully the statue broke and they were left to live out their lives either in a standard holding cell or as drifters stealing to get by until they met their natural ends).
Smart Heart

You’re certainly right there. It makes me all the more glad we have G5 as a clean slate to start over.

@Smart Heart
I’d rather see the Trio reformed or at least a genuine effort made but the exact punishment is exactly what Celestia and Luna do.
The fact even Twilight lets Cozy get sent to Tartarus in the first place is a problem for a whole slew of reasons, but it’s in line with the way Celestia treats things she can’t use and/or control.
Discord’s entire reason for getting a chance was to weaponize him after all, and I think people really want to ascribe kindness and generally being a decent person to Celestia and Luna when they’ve routinely put others at risk for selfish or incredibly shortsighted reasons.
Smart Heart

Even to Cozy, a villain we know so little about?

@Smart Heart
It was what they were and had been doing, So I don’t see how.
Celestia and Luna’s answer to 99% of their problems was either Harmony, petrify or shove the thing in question into a tiny box and leave it alone after x years.
This is just that again, by the exact same people who did it last time.
Smart Heart

@Background Pony #AE3B
I doubt that they’d be that cruel to leave them to a fate worse than death.
Background Pony #AE3B
Well, they can still be imprisoned in a statue in the future.
Background Pony #AE3B
Well, the Changeling Kingdom has turned against her. They have a new ruler.
Background Pony #B7E0
I see, I guess IDW writers are too used to the “loose canon” nature of the print works.
Background Pony #5731
@Background Pony #71A1
How ’bout eleven, or do you only accept 730+ days later? ;)
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
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@Background Pony #D9F1
yeah he did it better
Background Pony #D9F1
I hate Bronys

Guys! Calm down! This is just a Picture of a Comic with Fictional Characters! No need for this Graveyard of Comments!
Crackpot Quackpot
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Erratically Sane
@Dust Rock
Yes, last time we saw them as a statue was on a newspaper. Set before the future in The Last Problem.
Dust Rock
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Demonic Blood
Wait, really?
Crackpot Quackpot
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Erratically Sane
@Dust Rock
There’s no evidence suggesting they are. In fact, we don’t even see their statues nor them.
Dust Rock
United Equestria - For supporting the site
Nyx - For supporting the site
Nyx - For supporting the site
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My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Demonic Blood
@Smart Heart
They’re still statues in the future aren’t they?
Dust Rock
United Equestria - For supporting the site
Nyx - For supporting the site
Nyx - For supporting the site
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My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Demonic Blood
This breaks continuity
Background Pony #71A1
About as cringe as answering to it 9 days later.
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You need to get a grip. Your whole comment is cringe af.
I hate Bronys

@Background Pony #71A1
Discord was stoned again before he get rehabilitation, putting the trio in tartarus don’t mean they will not get their rehabilitation.
Discord was stoned….pffhehehe…✌️🚬
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Noodles > Everything
I was just questioning about how the justice will deal with her because of being a fugitive of 2 countries. I am not longer talking about if she deserves or not redemption.
It’s like it’s impossible talking about her without talking about Discord or about how is fault of everbody to make me sad of the buggo.
And that panel is just a fucking mistake, trying to revive a thing that should have died 2 years ago and should have been ignored to avoid further controversy. Nor would I be surprised if IDW makes a story about Chrysalis never caring for her peers and then people want to justify it or want to say that this story is not canon because it does not fit her character.
A season finale that is about whether I should support hypocrites or creatures that started a fucking race war, fuck both sides.
Fuck the inability of the writers to break the status quo to give better redemption arcs as it would be in Discord, fuck they want to pretend epic stories when they don’t want to develop the concepts and justify characters like with Chrysalis, fuck the fanboys who want to defend a character to such an extent that he forgives all his crimes and blames others as if it were the only fucking way to do it.
And I hope that G5 will let G4 die and just be simple stories that never want to pretend to be more than that, a comfortable series instead of a series that only generates hatred.