An absurd order.
“So no shit there we were. A bunch of simple enquines looking to get some food in a place where we would most likely be on the menu. Even sitting down i could the hungry stares of the other patrons on my back. Only Corrovirres precence detered them from having one of uss over at their table, as he “subtley” shielded us behind his wings and shot a few of the guests a glare that let them know that we were “his.”
The Waitress was surpriced to see us there, and it was with some reluctance that the took our orders. (Im surpriced they would even have any options for a herbivore – But I supose even dragons have their beef with a side of onions somtimes.)
Corrorvire’s orders were more in line with the menu, the waitress even openly tried to flirt with him as he ordered a simple stake. Some might think it unusual for a bunch of herbivores to having a carnivore in the group. But Corro is my friend, and it has been some time since i got used to his preference of meal.
I was not, however, prepared for what Mivera ordered.
No one was.
Naturnally we all asummed she was joking…
She wasn’t…