To be fair, Babs is only an ancillery character, and lives out of town, so we don’t see her with the CMC much. (Though, personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing more of her. She’s adorable.)
I was a li’l unsure when I heard about the “Discord reforms” episode, but overall it was handled nicely, and I like how it hinted he wasn’t completely reformed. It also kinda makes sense he’d be a “middle-ground” character, sense I never really saw him as “totally evil” personally.
As for Princess Twilight, honestly I’m not bothered by that, (I kinda saw it coming, but I wasn’t expecting it this soon) and I’m curious where they’re going with it.
Where you not around the week before “Keep Calm and Flutter On” or just stupid, a number of people where going on about how they didn’t like Discord reforming.
People who hated new Discord make me laugh. They say that he was fine the way he was, then get all up in arms about Sombra having “no characterization” at all.
Tell me, prior to his reformation, what did we know of Discord’s actions? Why did he do what he did? Truly evil people are quite a rarity, and even at his worst, I’d hardly call Discord “evil.” Chaos is not necessarily evil.
Babs lives far away in Manehattan anyway, and lots of people actually hated new Discord. The problem with Twilight is much more complex, since it can seriously affect the interaction between the main characters, which actually is a drastic change to the show.
@Background Pony
Discord really wasn’t evil. He didn’t want eternal night or a society to use as a food source of CRYSTAAAAAL SSSSLAVESSSSS, he just wanted to piss ponies off.
The important distinction is that change isn’t the same across the board, and that change can obviously be good! Twilicorn is just a little disheartening because the species jump feels like a killing of the Twilight I know.