This was supposed to be a comic but I couldn’t even be bothered to color it for 2 months.
Flurry wanted some cider the grown ups were drinking but no one would let her, some infant magic shenanigans later she fell asleep after the first sip without causing suspicion while the cmc got absolutely smashed, cadence came to see scootaloo peeing, sweetie belle passed out and apple bloom shouting incoherently on the floor, tried to put the latter 2 into bed but apple bloom kept falling off, so cadence breathing consciously, cleaned them up, diapered them, put them in a crib, bottle fed them plenty of water and stuck pacifiers in their mouths because apple bloom wouldn’t shut up, they slept for around 12 hours of dryness and in the morning flurry fell asleep in her high chair in a bowl of oatmeal