Solar Hero - Went above and beyond for the Solar Deity, drawing from the power of the sun itself to bring balance to the fight against the Lunar Insurrection (April Fools 2023).

Draconequues Lover zcord
Well i wasn’t trying to argue anymore just offering a different perspective so yea whatever u wanna think
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

@Background Pony #6AA8  
Innocent or not, its still not justifiable, especially if he gets to get away with it while those three don’t even get so much as an offer of a second chance.
he would always learn a lesson at the end of the episode and come back slightly nicer than the last in a later one except for matter of… for ex he was mean and dismissive to big mac and spike and then later they became friends as to which in that episode hes dismissive of love and then later in their last ep together he was happy to hear big Mac getting married. Even tho matter of was a big step backwards he does later ask to be involved instead in Summer Sunsetback. The Finale plenty people saw as ruining his character completely and showing he didn’t learn anything, forgetting that the grogar thing probably wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t actually care about anyone.
He learns lessons on how not to be horrible only to later do something horrible. And again, this doesn’t change the fact that the only reason he keeps learning these lessons is because he was given a chance and plenty of help to do so. And as for the Grogar thing, that was legitimately one of the worst things he ever did. He manipulated the trio in horrible ways and set them up for failure.
He was trying to help his friends be successful leaders, the writers intentions were obviously to portray Discord as someone who was a flawed being who had a misguided if well intended goal who was called out for it and made up for it and later punishes villains who they meant to be seen as irredeemable for things such as trying to tear off spikes wings and chrysalis saying they’ll never change and rightly deserve to be punished.
Helping his friends by willingly endangering a bunch of ponies and again, doing something genuenly horrible to the already punished trio and then going so far as to sadistically beg for them to get turned to stone. As for the trio, their actions are no worse then those of the previously reformed villains. Even Chrysalis’s threat can be countered by Discord’s Equestria wide reign of terror a thousend years ago, Starlight’s attack on her own villagers and Tempest aiding the conquest of multiple nations. And Chrysalis’s words can easily be countered by Discord mocking the ponies for trying to reform him.
The writers intention
Intention doesn’t matter when Discord looks horrible, the heroes look like hypocrits and the trio got an overly cruel and unfair punishment.
Solar Hero - Went above and beyond for the Solar Deity, drawing from the power of the sun itself to bring balance to the fight against the Lunar Insurrection (April Fools 2023).

Draconequues Lover zcord
I used to like Discord as well and loved his redemption, but as the show went on they just kept making me question just how much he’s changed and when the trio weren’t even given a second chance after Discord got so many, it just made me hate him. And even before that, he just kept on being consistantly horrible in almost every episode he was in.
I can see what your coming from but i do want to note that he would always learn a lesson at the end of the episode and come back slightly nicer than the last in a later one except for matter of… for ex he was mean and dismissive to big mac and spike and then later they became friends as to which in that episode hes dismissive of love and then later in their last ep together he was happy to hear big Mac getting married. Even tho matter of was a big step backwards he does later ask to be involved instead in Summer Sunsetback. The Finale plenty people saw as ruining his character completely and showing he didn’t learn anything, forgetting that the grogar thing probably wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t actually care about anyone.
He was trying to help his friends be successful leaders, the writers intentions were obviously to portray Discord as someone who was a flawed being who had a misguided if well intended goal who was called out for it and made up for it and later punishes villains who they meant to be seen as irredeemable for things such as trying to tear off spikes wings and chrysalis saying they’ll never change and rightly deserve to be punished.
The writers ofc didn’t intend how sympathetic many would be towards the trio and how much people would be mad at discords actions as they obviously saw it like me as discord being a spirit of chaos and using chaos to help his friends and just not thinking things through. Im not saying because the writers intended it a certain way means thats how u have to see it that way but just offering different perspectives.
Background Pony #6AA8
I agree. The smug look on his face after stoning the Mean 3 was sickening.
To be fair u know he wouldn’t do that to innocent creatures right? I mean i know chrysalis is your queen but innocent Hmmm not saying Discord is innocent either ofc.

Live from the hive
I agree. The smug look on his face after stoning the Mean 3 was sickening.
Smart Heart

Same here.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

I used to like Discord as well and loved his redemption, but as the show went on they just kept making me question just how much he’s changed and when the trio weren’t even given a second chance after Discord got so many, it just made me hate him. And even before that, he just kept on being consistantly horrible in almost every episode he was in.
Solar Hero - Went above and beyond for the Solar Deity, drawing from the power of the sun itself to bring balance to the fight against the Lunar Insurrection (April Fools 2023).

Draconequues Lover zcord
I had to agree with asdftroi, my dear. Sorry.
Fair. worth to note i Dont exactly completely disagree with asdftroi just because i love discord and feel like hes misunderstood
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
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I had to agree with asdftroi, my dear. Sorry.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Chrysalis in her first appearance attacked civilians rounded them up and captured them to forcibly take something from them she isn’t just someone who attacks her enemies like the claims she is a legit tyrant.
At least she had a reason for it unlike Discord, who just messed with them for fun.
Because she is sadistic
Like Discord, who expressed joy in tormenting ponies and begged the princesses to turn the defenseless, powerless and cornered trio into stone?
Discord is far from perfect but to say he is no better than chrysalis would be ignoring his growth throughout the series
And mentioning his growth like this is ignoring the fact that the only reason it happened was because he was released specifically to be granted a second chance and got proper help from Fluttershy, which is far more then what Chrysalis got. Without that, he would still be as evil as he always was and Chrysalis very much could have changed like he did and probably even more had she recieved the same treatment.
because he isnt a villain anymore he literally only did what he did because he was misguided and pushing for a good goal with ofc not the best methods.
What he did to those three with his manipulations goes far beyond being simply misguided. By that logic I could argue that Canterlot Wedding was simply Chrysalis’s misguided attempt to feed her people.
Why is EQ still fine in the last problem with Discord with reality warping powers? If he was such a villain surely he would have taken over by now..Its because he wishes to live in harmony with the ponies.
Which again, only happened because he was given that second chance. It still doesn’t change the fact that he nearly caused the end of it after reforming.
Chrysalis and her crew only wish to dominate and seize control over them and what did chrysalis say after her 1millionth defeat “u think friendship will stop us, we will always return” because the truth is they always Do.
I don’t see this as any worse then when Discord mocked the ponies for trying to reform them. Of course they’ll be hostile when you don’t even try to reform them.
So since chrysalis said that she was at fault/ did it completely to herself the same with the rest of the trio they didn’t deny what chrysalis was saying they fully agreed and made clear of that throughout the entire 2 parter.
So Chrysalis knew that she was an enemy of the ponies? I don’t see how thats any different then Discord knowing that he was causing chaos and disharmony to them.
They surrendered because they were scared of getting the suffering they put out thrown back on them, but if they still had their magic they still would be attacking others to seize control
Like how when Discord was released he would have went back to doing what he did a thousend years ago had the elements of harmony weren’t pointed at him?
NO this is not headcanon
No one ever said that Chrysalis being a villain wasn’t a headcanon, only the notion that she was more irredeemable then Discord ever was, which we have no evidence of as the same attempt wasn’t made with her.
So because of chrysalis statement the princesses and discord decided they had enough and did what they felt was a effective way to delivering justice and now Equestria lives in Harmony and peace once again.
If that is justice, then Discord should have been put back to stone or never released in the first place, Starlight should have been sent to Tartarus and Tempest should have faced trial for multiple attacked nations.
Solar Hero - Went above and beyond for the Solar Deity, drawing from the power of the sun itself to bring balance to the fight against the Lunar Insurrection (April Fools 2023).

Draconequues Lover zcord
@Smart Heart
Chrysalis in her first appearance attacked civilians rounded them up and captured them to forcibly take something from them she isn’t just someone who attacks her enemies like the claims she is a legit tyrant.  
Because she is sadistic and power hungry, Discord is far from perfect but to say he is no better than chrysalis would be ignoring his growth throughout the series and acting as if discord didn’t literally do what he did in s9 to help the leader of his country while crystalis wanted to destroy the leader. If u noticed at the coronation discord is just standing around not harming anyone. Why is that? because he isnt a villain anymore he literally only did what he did because he was misguided and pushing for a good goal with ofc not the best methods.
Why is EQ still fine in the last problem with Discord with reality warping powers? If he was such a villain surely he would have taken over by now..Its because he wishes to live in harmony with the ponies. Chrysalis and her crew only wish to dominate and seize control over them and what did chrysalis say after her 1millionth defeat “u think friendship will stop us, we will always return” because the truth is they always Do.
So since chrysalis said that she was at fault/ did it completely to herself the same with the rest of the trio they didn’t deny what chrysalis was saying they fully agreed and made clear of that throughout the entire 2 parter.
They surrendered because they were scared of getting the suffering they put out thrown back on them, but if they still had their magic they still would be attacking others to seize control NO this is not headcanon this is the truth because this is exactly what they were trying to do but now backing down no longer big and bad without power. So because of chrysalis statement the princesses and discord decided they had enough and did what they felt was a effective way to delivering justice and now Equestria lives in Harmony and peace once again.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

@Background Pony #6AA8  
I don’t see how that justifies what Discord did.
@Background Pony #6AA8  
Pushing anti-Chrysalis agenda doesn’t make what Discord did any less of a horrible thing.
Smart Heart

@Background Pony #6AA8  
I’m not trying to deny Chrysalis as a villain. I’m saying that what Discord did makes him no better than her. It puts him back at square one.
Background Pony #6AA8
@Background Pony #6AA8
It still wasn’t Discord’s call.
Pushing the anti discord agenda doesn’t make her any less of a villain
Smart Heart

@Background Pony #6AA8  
It still wasn’t Discord’s call.
Background Pony #6AA8
@Background Pony #6AA8
But it doesn’t justify what Discord did to her.
It could show she had it coming.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

@Background Pony #6AA8  
I never once said that she wasn’t. Only that her initial goal was to feed her subjects, something which I stand by.
Smart Heart

@Background Pony #6AA8  
But it doesn’t justify what Discord did to her.
Background Pony #6AA8
Thank u for admitting shes at fault im proud of u
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

@Background Pony #6AA8  
What are you talking about? I never said that it wasn’t Chrysalis’s fault, only that she did have redeeming qualities and needed help.
Background Pony #6AA8
U know this sounds like victim blaming, its the characters fault for chrysalis choosing to stay on her path of evil towards them
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

@Background Pony #6AA8  
Because she only saw friendship on as something that corrupted her hive. She said so herself. Had she got actual long-term help like Discord got or didn’t realize what was happening she could very well have changed at that moment. And theres the fact that she did have redeeming moments, few as they may have been.
Background Pony #6AA8
@Background Pony #4425  
There honestly isnt room for sympathy for her until freniemies when she showed 1 or 2 redeeming moments but even then she quickly threw em away
Background Pony #4425
@Background Pony #6AA8  
No one ever said that she isn’t a villain, just that there is room for sympathy for her and that one can argue that she did care for her subjects. The TV Tropes page just assumes that she never did and is pure evil. It was clearily written by a biased individual.
Background Pony #6AA8
@Background Pony #6AA8
Yes, and it only tells one argument without addressing the other. It can be freely edited by anyone with clearence no matter their biases and leaves much up to opinion.
What one argument is it telling the chrysalis is a villain argument? Her purpose is the story Is to be a truly evil villain