Cozy Glow is a child with no family that no one has ever tried to genuinely reach out to or understand who’s only a threat because other villains keep helping her.
The elements didn’t turn Cozy to stone, Discord, the guy who keeps getting second chances and enabled all three of the villains in the first place, turned her to stone.
If this shown wants to argue nature vs. nurture, then DON’T tell me that the spirit of Chaos and Disharmony can be reformed, but this small child can’t be.
Nobody attempting to redeem Cozy doesn’t prove she’s irredeemable. It just proves that everyone else can be kind of crappy people.
Technically speaking almost anyone can if they can reform the literal spirit of chaos into working in harmony with others. But the question isn’t ‘can you be reformed’ the question is ‘can we figure out a way to do so before you cause more damage’
Prolly not Tirek and Cozy, but anything is possible. Cozy Glow is a, what? 12 yr old pegasus that is so evil the princesses were totally fine with sending her to Tartarus. She is a child that is so unredeemable that the elements were fine with turning her to stone. Seems to be an argument of Nature vs. Nurture, and apparently this is just her nature. Nopony argued that she could be saved after being her teacher and/or fellow student in the school. We don’t even hear a peep from her parents abou tit.
Again, anything is possible, but man has she got to be dark to the core to be so young and have nopony consider redemption for her. o.o;;
The very fact that you’re asking us to change your mind instead of simply trying to redeem yourselves speaks volumes to whether or not you can be reformed.
Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if Chrysalis had just kept her mouth shut. Probably an ultimatum from Celestia: “Do you surrender, or not?”
They were within an inch of reforming themselves when the idiot on the right stomped on the very notion despite having seen the overwhelming power of friendship in her universe. First-hand. Multiple times.
While I am glad they didn’t get redeemed in the show. I will admit given time they COULD possibly Semi-reform. They pretty much had a friendship forming even if they wouldn’t admit it. Just look at the campfire scene with them talking about tricking Twilight and the other ponies, they were laughing and having a great time.
Maybe you Tirek with your father issues, but cozy? nah, your nature as an evil pony is what you are, is not you cant learn is what you choose to be again and again. and you chrysalis? just as cozy, its your nature. unlike your subjects (then again they just change a crown for another,still they choose)