Heh…yeah, just a bit of a comedy wallpaper here. I was looking through the gallery, trying to find a vector that I could base a wallpaper off of and I found the Applejack vector. That vector led me to the idea of, well, what this wallpaper turned out to be. Plus, I wanted to try out some tools that I don’t normally use in Gimp. MAN! I wish that I had the same kind of effects as Adobe Photoshop/After Effects/whatever else Adobe makes.
- Okay, in sports news, both my main college football team and my professional team won this weekend. On the other spectrum of the success chart, Gordon got his throttle stuck and wrecked in the Geico 400. Just continuing on with the season this year…
- PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE join my group and submit to one of our two contests. PLEASE! The month is half over, and we only have one submission. So, please! Help us out. Oh, and you have to be American.
- Yeah, that’s about it. Trying to hurry up so I can go to bed.
Twilight Rapidash says: Hello There! by found here [link]
Applejack and her marshmallows by found here [link]
MLP © Hasbro, Hub Network, Lauren Faust
Made with Gimp
Layers used: 5