I’ve never tried this before but this might be good way for folks to get a feel for my sweet peas, so here’s a dump on my guy, Sirius Veil, Prince of friendship! Kinda. Some wanted to know how Twi’s depression effected Sirius so here it is.
1: As a foal, Sirius wasn’t old enough to understand why his mother locked herself away for days on end but was told that he should try and be understanding. To be a good boy and not make things harder for her. As such, when his mothers depression lead to her forgetting to raise him or in this case, pick him up, he was understanding and didn’t complain. After this, Sirius would walk home on his own, tacking on errands as years went by, such as picking up groceries and walking his siblings home.
2: When Twi locked herself away, a lot of her work piled up. To ease his mothers worries, Sirius started taking care of it. He was a smart foal, like his mother, so he had little trouble getting through it. On the down side, he rarely had time to play with Hazy and Nova. The latter was just confused while the former resented their mother for making him do this.
3: The first time Sirius helped with his moms paper work is one of his favorite memories, since its one of the few times Twilight acknowledged him. Every other day, she is either locked away or working to catch up with everything Sirius couldn’t get done.
4: After Twilight remarried, her down times declined drastically, letting Sirius have a bit more free time. After all the work he’d done in his mother stead, he gained quite the fan club in Canterlot. As a noble pony and his mothers son, he felt he had to socialize properly. As such, he is often seen with an entourage of mares vying for his attention. When pressed, he does admit he has a special somepony but refuses to tell the name.
5: Sirius has had to listen to ponies bitch and moan for years and has grown jaded after a while. To ease his headaches, he takes comfort in a nice tall glass of the hardest liquor he can get his hooves on. As time went on, his choice went from local cider to harder stuff as his body made it nigh impossible to get drunk. His current fave is hard bourbon. It helps just a bit.
6: Sirius has a bit of a temper, resulting in ponies getting hurt. Generally, he holds in his frustrations until they explode out in a burst of anger. To date, it’s only happened once, when he and his adopted brother Hazy Sky were at summer Camp. Neither remembers what the argument was about but it resulted in Sirius using his magic on him, blinding him in his right eye. The two were found lying close together and Hazy claims he was attacked by a beast. Sirius feels great guilt over it but Hazy says it needed to happen.