A few months ago, NeedsMoreFuta organized a Summer themed art pack. I was one of the 30(!) artists who contributed art to the pack. And since there’s a couple hours of Summer left where I am (Fall officially begins at 9:54 PM for me), I figured now was a good time to upload the pics I contributed to the pack!
Be sure to download it
here. Even if Summer is ending where you live, there’s enough hotness to keep you warm in the cold months to come!
Night falls, but Princess Luna is here to double the fun!
It was rather interesting setting up this scene. What you’re seeing behind Luna is a combination of props (the palm tree), greenscreen (the night sky) and a large scale 3D water simulation that was available on the workshop. It’s quite a sophisticated prop that I hope to find more use for in the future.
This was also my first experiment with rim lighting. How I got this far without doing it once I’ll never know, but the results are quite striking.
Anyway, those were my contributions to this here art pack. Be sure to download the full pack at the link above to see all the great art contributed!