Do you thunk she likes Laffy Taffy candy? I do. Here’s so more of bubble gum Taffy:
- Taffy has a beautiful, Snow White like singing voice and can enchant anyone with her little ballads or lull them to sleep with her lullabies. At least, she could…if she ever sang for anyone other than her family. She is extremely shy when it comes to signing for anyone, even her friends. The only other audience she has besides her family, is the house hold plants, since she believers singing to them makes them happy.
- Taffy makes many fumbles and bumbles through out her day, and as a consequence, apologizes quite often. So much in fact, she will apologize for the least littelest thing. Many ponies, especially Carmel, have told her she doesn’t need to do that, and while she knows it, it sorta became a habit. She’s working on it though.
- Just FYI, don’t compliment Taffy unless you’re prepare for a whole bunch of flustered stammering.
- The poor little dear tries so hard to be helpful and kind, it’s hard to blame her when the kitchen goes up in flames.
- Taffy has too keep a careful eye on her younger brother, Rock Candy, since he often forgets to do even the most basic of hygiene sometimes. Not that she minds helping him, and actually enjoys the nights where she can help him with his messy mane. It’s one of the only times he seems to actually appreciate her help ( and tolerate her singing which he won’t admit, is really relaxing.)
- Taffy’s always been a great listener for ponies of all ages, regardless of who they are or whether or not she knows them. She’ll bear through all your soppy tears and heartfelt cries, all the while offer a tissue and some comforting words. Here, she is seen comforting local Ponyville teacher, Pumpkin Cake, as she has a mental break down.
Yes, Pumpkin cake in my NG succeeds Cheerilee and becomes the new teacher. You’ll see more of her and her brother later on. ; )