Ambrosia and Zap usually work together on the farm, since their talents both involve farming and it’s a lot more fun than working alone or with their parents. Despite her large size, Amber is a unicorn, and is therefore physically a lot weaker than the rest of her earth-pony family. Something her cousin Zap never let’s her forget. It’s alright though: if she becomes too much, Amber can just put her stuff on the roof.
As a teenager, Ambrosia used to feel a bit self-conscious over not being able to carry or pull as much as her cousin, and Zap was a bit too oblivious to realise that and joked too much about it. But eventually Amber was able to get over it and accept that all she could do was her best. After being told of this, Zap nowadays also often interminges her teasing with comments over how much she really does appreciate Ambrosia’s work and company.
It also helps her in convincing Amber to get her stuff down before it rains.
The last days has been suprisingly warm and summer-like where I live, so I wanted to draw some summer feelings. It also gave me an excuse to draw this scene, which I’ve had on the backburner until Ambrosia’s reference was posted.
I decided to not draw their marks, since I felt it didn’t fit with this style? What do you think about leaving out the cutie-marks on ponies? Is it confusing, bad, or do you just not notice it?
Original characters featured: Zap Apple and Ambrosia Apple