Viewing last 25 versions of comment by BackgroundLoL on image #1680295

Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)



The question of Sunset's age, is an interesting one - yes, in her prequel comic, _*Fall of Sunset Shimmer_*, she was at least a teen when Twilight was a filly:


But on the same page all "Sunset's potential friends" (Lemon Hearts, Lyra,Colgate, Moondancer, and Twinkleshine) **all** were shown in season 5 to be _*exactly_* in Twilight age.


Also, Moondancer looks completelly different. But I discussed with LanceOmikron, these might be just "repesentations" similar to Twilight's classmates, rather than trully them.

Still, I think the comic might have exagerated the age difference between Twilight and Sunset.

Especially that Ishi Rudell answered Sunset is onl a "bit" older than Twilight:

And stated Sunset physially, is around 17, like other girls:

So it even seems the portal de-aged her a bit.

It also seems originaly, the time in the human world, and Equestria, weren't perfectly synchronized - it seems Sunset was in the human world, from her perspective only 2 and half years or so in the human world, while there are some implications more time passed in Equestria.

Sunset also, frankly was a genious, as seenin her prequell comic:

The next page, is the one I posted first.
No reason given
Edited by BackgroundLoL
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)



The question of Sunset's age, is an interesting one - yes, in her prequel comic, _Fall of Sunset Shimmer_, she was at least a teen when Twilight was a filly:


But on the same page all "Sunset's potential friends" (Lemon Hearts, Lyra,Colgate, Moondancer, and Twinkleshine) *all* were shown in season 5 to be _exactly_ in Twilight age.


Also, Moondancer looks completelly different. But I discussed with LanceOmikron, these might be just "repesentations" similar to Twilight's classmates, rather than trully them.

Still, I think the comic might have exagerated the age difference between Twilight and Sunset.

Especially that Ishi Rudell answered Sunset is onl a "bit" older than Twilight:

And stated Sunset physially, is around 17, like other girls:

So it even seems the portal de-aged her a bit.

It also seems originaly, the time in the human world, and Equestria, weren't perfectly synchronized - it seems Sunset was in the human world, from her perspective only 2 and half years or so in the human world, while there are some implications more time passed in Equestria.

Sunset also, frankly was a genious, as seenin her prequell comic:

The next page, is the one I posted first.
No reason given
Edited by BackgroundLoL