@Jarkes That’s not how I see it. Plus, it seems like your words are hurting me. Besides, those policies you’re talking about might get thrown out. Also, hear this. Aside from the 2017 film not doing well enough at the box office, there might be another way for Hasbro to earn money for a sequel. They could spend the money they earn on selling there MLP and non-MLP merchandise on it. But it might violate the Sherman Antitrust Act. Wait for me to find more contradictions to your next sayings.
…Yeah, I’m gonna break this to you gently: it’s never going to happen. The writers aren’t allowed to work with fan projects, and Disney would be even less likely to work with you on there.
And no, calling that idea of yours a “fanfic” is NOT an understatement, because that’s exactly what it is. It has all the “Brony in Equestria” cliches in the book, right down to the brony gaining magic powers upon entering Equestria because of some weird magic shit.
@Jarkes I did. But it might become a brilliant big screen project for Disney to work with Hasbro on. I’m keeping Lionsgate out of it. I have my reasons to do that.
Well, she had worked on some pretty good shows (Kim Possible, Young Justice, Transformers Prime) and according to some EQD comments wrote some of the better episodes of them and Co-wrote the Ponyville Mystery Series. So it’s looking like the job is in good hands.
…Yeah, I’m gonna break this to you gently: it’s never going to happen. The writers aren’t allowed to work with fan projects, and Disney would be even less likely to work with you on there.
And no, calling that idea of yours a “fanfic” is NOT an understatement, because that’s exactly what it is. It has all the “Brony in Equestria” cliches in the book, right down to the brony gaining magic powers upon entering Equestria because of some weird magic shit.
Oh, you didn’t write that one?
The writers aren’t allowed to read fanfics.
Edited because: Forgot to make the link work.