Sombra:(Plops penis on floor)“Here My Lady…This is for you”(Pushes Penis near Fluttershy with his hoof).
Fluttershy:“w-Wha…Where did you get…that from…?”
Sombra:“It is my own….The advice of mine fellow male companions on your Courtship was in their words…‘Give her the Dick’…As you can see here it is.”
Fluttershy:“B…But…Um…Does that mean that…that now you…um…”
Sombra:“Fear not My lady,my body is fully capable of regenerating lost limbs.A new one shall grow in this ones place within the hour.”
Fluttershy:”…Um well…Don’t you think this is a little bit-”
Sombra:“If this one is not to your liking,I have several dozen others In this box,You may choose one of your fancy.”(Shows box of Bloody dicks)
Fluttershy:“OHhhh…um are these yours too?”
(wails of Anguished Stallions in the background)
Anguished Stallion:“Ohhhh my Wife is gonna kill me”.