TC: “Cheeseboy! You’re late again!”
CC: “I’m sorry, Confetti wouldn’t let me go! Grandma Cloudy was visiting and she made me sit through a lecture on how much she hated ‘homosexuals’, whatever that means.”
TC: “That old mule! She’s gonna die soon.”
CC: “What?”
TC: “Nothing%”
CC: “So is that the dress I’m trying today?”
TC: “Yep! I made it myself, now we just gotta make it fit! You’re not telling anyone about this, are you Cheeseboy?”
CC: “No! I Pinkie Promised not to tell!”
TC: “Shh, wait…I hear something…” (cocks her ear to listen)
PP: (behind the door) “Ooh! I’m so excited for the gala!” bounces
TC: “Cheeseboy, is that your…”
S: (behind the door) “Same here! I get to spend the whole night with Rainbow Dash!”
TC: “Oh no…”
CC: “What?”
TC: “Shh! Just stay quiet and they won’t find us!”
R: (behind the door) “I’m glad you’re excited, darlings. Your dresses are in that room.”
TC: “Buck! They’re coming! Take the dress off!”
PP: (opens the door) “This gala is gonna be so much-Cheesy?”
S: “Thunder?”
TC: “Mom! I can explain!”
PP: “Cheesy, are you wearing a dress?”
CC: “Um…yes?”
S: “Where’d you get that?”
CC: (points at Thunder) “She made it.”
TC: “Cheeseboy! Mom, this isn’t what it looks like…”
S: “Nah, it’s cool. Don’t worry about it!”
TC: “Huh??”
PP: “I see you two together every day! We already knew you were best friends!”
S: “Rarity already told us she had you over a lot!”
R: “Sorry…”
PP: “You look great in that dress, Cheesy!”
CC: (giggles and blushes at the compliment)
S: “Yeah Thunder, that’s impressive. You made that yourself?”
TC: “Yes! I’m so lame!”
S: “No you’re not! That’s awesome! You can be cool without being a speedster.”
TC: “Really?”
S: “Yeah! This could be your special talent!”
TC: “Wow…”
PP: “We’ll let you finish up! Cheesy, be home in time for dinner.”
CC: “Aw, do I have to eat rock soup with Grandma?”
PP: “Yes. Don’t worry, I’ll put candy in it! Have fun!%” (bounces away)
S: “Thunder, be home before dark. You don’t need to hide your talents, okay?”
TC: “Yeah, Mom.”
S: “‘Kay. Catch ya later!” (leaves)
CC: “…I swear I didn’t tell.”
TC: “I can’t believe they didn’t kill us!”
CC: “They wouldn’t do that. They love us!”
TC: “Yeah, I guess you’re right, Cheeseboy. Now let’s finish this dress!”