Emerald asks if that was the zebra that was making all the ponies disappear.
“Unlikely. I don’t mean to scare you, children, but we believe it may be a group of zebras. All the more reason for you to not be out during the night.” The zebra says as the walk back towards the Inn.
Emerald explains that they are just traveling through the area with their guardian, and that they went out for some shopping that took them a bit longer than the meant it too.
“Ah, understandable. I’ll get you back to your Inn and then we can chat with your guardian about the dangers present in the city at the moment. Plus I’ll need to get a statement from you both if you don’t mind.” The zebra says with a nod, “Especially if you wish to press charges.”
The walk back is mostly silent, and when they enter the Inn the guard strides right for the barkeep and asks him to fetch Joyride from their room. They then take a seat at one of the tables, and the guard is nice enough to order them some dinner.
Ruby and Emerald begin to explain what happened when the Innkeeper returns, stating that she isn’t in their room, and that he isn’t sure that he’s seen Joyride since last night.
“Since last night…?” The zebra says, turning towards the Innkeeper. He then looks at him for a few seconds before turning back towards the foals and saying, “When was the last time you saw your guardian?”
Emerald explains everything he remembers from yesterday night.
“Hmm…” The zebra says, leaning back in his chair.
Inventory & Spells -
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