Emerald leans in close to Ruby and asks her if she is up for some mischief.
Ruby leans forward and says, “Always. Wait, what’s the plan?”
Emerald explains a little about what has happened since he got to the island, and about what he thinks Lord Sepulcher knows about the amulet.
“A demon, huh?” Ruby says, flicking the jewelry around the colt’s neck.
“Okay I’ll help, but you have to promise to tell me what they told you, okay?” Ruby says with a grin.
Emerald nods. That seems fair.
The two children walk over to the tower and go quietly through the trap door. Emerald carefully makes his way down the stairs until he spots the bottom with the doors leading to Lord Sepulcher’s work area and the place that Emerald was taken when he was captured.
Laying in the corner is Lady Elegance.
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