The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

I haven’t watched those old episodes in a while. Did it look as modern as it does now? At any rate I believe that was just a brief glance, and was easy to ignore.
The Smiling Pony
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( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡° )
@Evil Emperor Proteus  
>>869997t (merged)  
Manehattan came in S1, as did Twilight’s computer. “The Mysterious Mare do Well” had a hydroelectric dam and modern construction work, while “Read it and Weep” had a modern hospital and EKG machine; afaik both those concepted or entirely written while Faust was still at the helm. Regardless, FiM has always been loose with its technology level.

Manehattan was visible as early as Season 1. Cutie Mark Chronicles.
Evil Emperor Proteus

Master of Science
Which is a sign of low artistic integrity and/or lazy or shoddy writing. Like I said, though, I don’t mind lights. Manehatten should not exist at all, though. It’s worth noting that the writers changed at some point and the artistic vision for the show diverged almost completely from the original writer/s intent.
Bottom line is that it’s easier to write about things you are familiar with, like the modern technology and society we actually live with each and every day. It’s much harder to work within the contextual confines of a setting that is not at all like real life. The writers obviously decided to write what is easier. In one episode, we see the Apple family building a barn like four-legged animals with no hands could. Later we see the same species operating heavy machinery, because writing about a co-ordinated, large0scale construction beyond a simple barn would have been hard and taken some imagination.
I’m not bashing the show or it’s writer/s, but this is a genuine observation and everyone can see the differences when they look.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

@Evil Emperor Proteus  
Notice that towns that were introduced earlier in the show look more primitive. Stuff like ponyville and canterlot. Then later they brought in stuff like Manehattan (the most modern looking town/city in the show) and a lady gaga type singer. There’s no real consistency to it and it changes based on whatever the plot calls for.
Evil Emperor Proteus

Master of Science
Modern writing integrity. That is to say, very little. The writer’s clearly chaff under the restraints of having to write the technology level so low, and find it easier to write about more modern things, so they do, even though they’re not supposed to.
I don’t much mind lights, that’s just basic electricity stuff, but when a character uses their computer to book airline tickets and then they catch the bullet train to the air-field while chatting to their friend on their cell-phone, where they board a commercial jet, then there is a problem and we’ve got shoddy, lazy, incompetent writing. Even Twilight in Equestria Girls(Yes, it’s canon) was amazed by computers.
Any time you see abrupt, modern/advanced technology, it’s just sloppy writing, and is no cause to believe the technology level is that high in general. It’d be like thinking Peter Griffin in Family Guy canonically had sex with a Rhino that didn’t love him any more because there was a cut away gag about it.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

@Evil Emperor Proteus  
Wasn’t it said during the first season that Equestria was supposed to adhere to medieval level tech, with exceptions for stuff like over a barrel? If so, then they pretty quickly abandoned that afterwards.
Bronze Bit -
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@Evil Emperor Proteus
Alright, I see what you’re saying. To be fair though, flashlights have been an FiM thing since 2012, so they aren’t really ‘recent’.
Evil Emperor Proteus

Master of Science
FiM is supposed to be around early industrial/steam and coal based technology levels, but then we randomly see modern Human technology from time to time because the writer/s have trouble adhering to the tech restrictions.

@Tyler_Cunn He means how sometimes its not clear what era their level of tech is. Like how for light sources we’ve seen them us candles, fireflies, and oil lambs but later we see them with lightbulbs and as of recent they used battery powered flashlights and stage lights. Their tech knowledge seems to jump from the 16th century to the 1900s from time to time.
Bronze Bit -
Happy Derpy! - For Patreon supporters
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@Evil Emperor Proteus
Huh? I don’t get it.
Evil Emperor Proteus

Master of Science
For a moment I thought FiM was jumping the technology shark again.
Yet One More Idiot
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World's biggest idiot xD
Maybe she’s rocking out to this? :D

Wonder what she’s jamming to
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

dead to you
@Darth Sonic  
It’s what she’s listening to. Well, that or…
Background Pony #3944
from the thumbnail i kinda thought she was laying in bed and y’know
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>In the three day top scoring  
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

I think it is technically a first.

nothing speacial here, why is this so popular?


Wonder what she’s listening to?
Bronze Bit -
Happy Derpy! - For Patreon supporters
Bronze Supporter - Bronze Patron

>her lobes
You mean canals?
Background Pony #88D7
I imagine that the song was the dazzling so lol