Seriously, yes, please. I don’t want to hear that trash you call music. It grates on the ears… and the temper. Noise pollution is real, okay? I wouldn’t blare my music in your ears. Don’t do it to me.
You know because i am not living in rich country, a lot of people don’t have a laptop and smartphone and an internet plan on it, so they borrow a smartphone and laptop from their friends including my friends.
Ahh college, I totally sympathise with you there - never know who might be watching what websites you access from a college (or any public area) computer.
College students, represent! xD (I’m at college on Saturdays for the next 6 months, ’cos I work full time during the weeks xD)
I am using my customized filter is because i am currently studying in collage, you didn’t know how whinny people in my college if the find out i am accessing Not Safe For Work contents in college, this filter can keep me out of troubles, but in home is different story.
Still not getting what you mean. Are you trolling? If so, it’s not very effective. :p If you’re being serious at all, you should elaborate.