Narrador poco confiable: Shinta, no…. noo… tu no eres de barcos, mira tu pompi!, tu eres de fresas! Shinta, Shinta ….NOOOOoooooOOoooOOo!!!
Capitan: We have arrived this is the command bridge, the whole ship is controlled from here
Shinta:Who do you drive the ship without being here?
Capitan: Very simple
Sailor: captain on the bridge!
Capitan:When I have to leave the bridge its Strong Will job as vice captain to replace me, If he has to come with me, I pass my orders to the nex officer on the chain of command
Capitan: The officer left in charge delegate my orders to the other officers and sailors, who are the ones responsible of operating the controls and the wheel
Capitan: As the captain i’m the chief in head of operations
Capitan: But technically speaking is my crew who “drives” the ship, not me
Sailor: No touching
Aaron: I always believe that the captain says behind the wheel during the whole trip
Capitan: Sometimes I wish it was that way, my job would be much more interesting
Capitan: That gives me an idea
Shinta: Just a little nopody will notice!
Capitan: Shinta,would you like to take the wheel for a moment?
Unreliable narrator: Shinta no…. noo…you’re not a ship pony, look at your flank! you’re a strawberry pony! Shinta, Shinta ….NOOOOoooooOOoooOOo!!!