Just off the top of my head….(note: Characters are complex and multi-dimensional; a stated alignment may not fit perfectly).
Lawful Good: Reinhardt, Mercy(?)(unsure if she’s LG or Neutral Good), Orisa (can’t get much more Lawful than a peacekeeping robot)
Lawful Neutral: Hanzo, Symmetra
Lawful Evil: Doomfist(?)(He’s one of the top brass in Talon, that’s Lawful, right?)
Neutral Good: Zenyatta, Tracer(?)(she might fit better in Chaotic Good)
True Neutral: Bastion
Neutral Evil: Tough to say, maybe Reaper and Roadhog?
Chaotic Good: Lucio
Chaotic Neutral/Evil (These alignments blur together quite often): Sombra, Junkrat