Looking to get back into roleplaying on Derpibooru, either creating my own or joining another’s roleplay.
NSFW is fine, but preferance will be adventure, fantasy, mystery, school, and/or romance. Also would rather avoid combat heavy roleplays, though interest in roleplay based on MLP:FiM or other franchises would be nice.
If a MLP:FiM roleplay, I’d prefer it not to have humans and would rather it not be anthro. If more Equestria Girls, with characters from the show being all humans is fine, but would rather join a roleplay where everyone was ponies, zebras, griffons, changelings, deer, etc.
NSFW is fine, but preferance will be adventure, fantasy, mystery, school, and/or romance. Also would rather avoid combat heavy roleplays, though interest in roleplay based on MLP:FiM or other franchises would be nice.
If a MLP:FiM roleplay, I’d prefer it not to have humans and would rather it not be anthro. If more Equestria Girls, with characters from the show being all humans is fine, but would rather join a roleplay where everyone was ponies, zebras, griffons, changelings, deer, etc.