Am I the only one unsatisfied with the “I can’t fly” moment from Scootaloo in Washouts? It would’ve been way more impactful if the episode really focused on that, why it is, and what it means more. But it’s just dropped as an emotional moment near the end and we don’t really get an actual resolution to it.
It also would’ve meant more if this episode was anywhere close to Flight to the Finish, the previous episode that hinted Scootaloo had problems with flying, maybe if it was last season or something. But I can guarantee at least 80% of normal watchers haven’t seen a re-run or just forgot about that already. It would be like new Spongebob making a reference to Bubble Bass or something and expecting kids to know who that is.
As for the whole Scootaloo being confirmed disabled, I really don’t buy it. We just haven’t been told enough about her, or Pegasus flight really. Yeah we see tonnes of kids younger that her fly by her age, but was there anything to make us think that if it doesn’t happen by a certain age she’ll never be able to fly? She’s still a kid after all anything can happen really. Hell Spike learned to fly in an afternoon and he didn’t even have wings before the day started.