Pudding Pone
I’ve decided to make a thread honoring one of the most underappreciated characters on EQG And my Personal favorite of the Humane 7
In this thread, you can post pictures of Sci-Twi, write fanfics about her, share Sci-Twi-related videos, and generally discuss what you like about our favorite Equestria Girl. There are some rules however.
In this thread, you can post pictures of Sci-Twi, write fanfics about her, share Sci-Twi-related videos, and generally discuss what you like about our favorite Equestria Girl. There are some rules however.
- No Sci-Twi haters. This place is for showing appreciation for Sci-Twi, not hating her.
- Appreciation for Sci-Twi must be genuine. You can’t make sarcastic or passive aggressive remarks about her,
- Stay on topic. This thread isn’t about Starlight Glimmer Princess Twilight, Sunset Shimmer Rainbow Dash, etc. You can talk about other characters in your posts, but make sure the main focus is Sci-Twi.
- NSFW content is allowed, but be sure to warn users of the explicit nature. We do have people that don’t like to see that sort of thing.
Other than that, have fun and be kind.