Expanding on why it’s reddit tier:
Click bait
>While one might think that it is no better to target a production to little girls in the princess era,
Muh gender roles
>typically young or middle-aged white men.
Race bating
>There are also some women among them who are called pegasisters, but they make up the minority
Pulling numbers out of his ass
>The Brony subculture came to life in the early 2010s
Extremely vague time period, “”“journalist””” just googled once
>A significant portion of the bronchi live their hobby by posting fan drawings on the Derpibooru image-sharing site.
Pulling more numbers out of his ass, how many? Do you have any estimation at all? Of course not, zero research
>most of the drawings have nothing interesting, they carry the same direction as the cartoon itself.
If by nothing interesting you mean nothing I can cry about, because there is a lot of classics here
>But many of them are quite aggressive, racist, and typically advertise white superiority
How many? Are you taking numbers out of your ass? Of course you are. Also muh white supremacy buzz word.
>(although they have been trying to hide these in recent days as sensitivity to racism has increased).
literally (((They))) posting in a supposed to be objective article
>Because of this, the world of my little pony self has to some extent become an important element of the far-right meme universe
Downright lying
>and is strongly opposed to censorship because they want to protect far-right content, but
lying and pretending
>In any case, it is clear that extremism also has a place in the community
Lying, jannies been banning extreme content since ever
>the main catalyst for the process was when 4chan was notorious for its key role in the alt-right rise.
>but even in the most pious corners of the Brony fandom, it seems contradictory for someone to simultaneously support the BLM movement and the pony named Aryanne ,
Pretending that BLM gets default support from everyone
>Incidentally, there is nothing new about extremists taking control of forums in stratified interest communities.
Very true, but it’s never the Nazis whom take control, ban everypony and burn the site to the ground are they?