Wrestling General

Background Pony #DAAA
I think the Broken Universe won’t work in WWE like it did in TNA. You won’t get those Over the Top Spots like Final Deletion or the Others. You see how dumb WWE did that Kind of Stuff cough House of Horrors cough
Background Pony #DAAA
Smirks What if CM Punk wants to go ‘All In’ if you what I mean… ;) #TooSweet #BITW #AllIn #BulletClub
Background Pony #DAAA
Giggles Wow, those half-empty Arenas & low Ticket Sales WWE has sure proves to me that Pro Wrestling Fans naturally care about NJPW more these Days xD :D #FireRoadDogg #RetireVince #FireKevinDunn #njpw #ProWrestlingMatters
Background Pony #DAAA
By the way, NXT definetly has the Nr.1 spot of weekly WWE Shows period! The Johnny Gargano Story alone is far better than anything Vince/Corporate does on the Main Roster hehe! ;)
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@Background Pony #8833
You mean the same corporate that made everyone water their pants, and wet their mouths (I KNOW WHAT I SAID) for Rollins last Raw, when that spot could easily go to Roman and Cena, both outlasting everyone like you make it seem?
Okay, yeah, Roman is obviously still on that. But the fact that Rollins, of all guys is being given a treatment on that, if not bigger level should tell you the obvious: PEOPLE RUN THAT COMPANY
People make mistakes  
They make dumb decisions  
They make good decisions  
And improve on things
And NJPW hasn’t been that sugar and milk, just go and watch everything they did during the early 00’s and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the way to 2009. Only Balor and AJ helped them get back on their feet, cause people sure as hell weren’t digging nakamura like they do now. Another personal, I’m starting to find the young bucks stale; same spots, sequences, even closing segments during their matches. They’re still good, but that repetition is making them way too predictible for my taste and makes it even harder to think they will lose, so there’s no tension there, and no hook up in a wrestling match makes them decay.
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wwe is bigger so it’s mistakes are worse  
njpw is smaller so it’s good stuff is awesome
wwe is bigger so it’s good stuff is just mediocre  
njpw is smaller so it’s mistakes are forgivable
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.

Right About Everything
@Background Pony #8833  
The sad thing is, NXT Takeovers sell worse than WWE PPV’s, and on it’s own merits NXT hemorrhages money.
And lets face it, the story behind Johnny Gargano is as old as wrestling itself. Hell, he’s pretty much Bob Backlund. It’s a good story, but one of the most basic wrestling plotlines.
It tickles me that Nakamura’s career in WWE is a lot like his NJPW one. Comes in to massive amounts of hype, gets over immediately due to his incredible coolness, before suffering a backlash due to a perception that his matches and wrestling skills were failing to live up to that hype. I note that he first won the NJPW title in 2003, yet all his best matches are from 2013 onwards. Watching his entrances, he only really starts to get real crowd noise in 2012 (I know they’re Japanese fans, but still).
I also read with amusement that’s he’s always been a sucker for dirty American heel tactics. That explains Jinder Mahal then.
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Dude, he’s one of those fans that likes to trash WWE 24/7 and acts like places like NJPW can do no wrong.
I honestly find those types of fans to be really fucking annoying too
Background Pony #DAAA
Chuckles Or you’re just a WWE Apologist who defends any BS that happened in that Company & can’t see the Reality that the Attendance is obviously much less in WWE seeing all those half-empty Arenas & low Ticket Sales. NJPW is on the Rise just because Wrestling Fans see how Well done the Booking & Portrayment is for the Wrestlers. :o #TruthHurts
Background Pony #DAAA
Dude, the Rollins Moment was on a pointless Gauntlet Match with no Stakes behind it, even Johnboy made his usual pathetic Excuse about not being ‘Focused’ & all that Crap. And obviously we all know who Main Events Mania for the millionth Time & gets completly rejected once again xD :D
Background Pony #DAAA
NJPW was on a Down period until the End of the 00s where Things changed for the better & the Booking by Gedo definetly shows how Characters should be booked without being Damaged unlike in Vinnie’s Promotion. Obviously WWE made far more Mistakes in Booking Decisions or their Top Guys(Hogan, HBK, HHH, Cena, Reigns possibly aswell sooner than later)  
playing Politics to hurt Wrestlers Momentum. :o
Background Pony #DAAA
Giggles softly But it still works beautifully as we see. I mean who is a better Babyface than Gargano right now in WWE/NXT? Styles? Rollins? Balor? Nakamura? I honestly think Johnny Gargano could be Number One right now when we talk about the Best Face right now. :)
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.

Right About Everything
@Background Pony #8833  
Well I think Rollins and Nakamura are riding much higher than him at the moment, and Rollins appears to have found his footing as a babyface.
Is AJ a babyface at the moment? I can never tell.
Babyface’s are increasingly rare on the main roster anyway. Steve Austin’s legacy continues.
I find it hilarious how everyone acts like Reigns always wins, even though it seems he’s rivaled Corbin this year in terms of flaking out when it really matters. He’s like the anti-Cena, fundamentally allergic to PPV’s.
Background Pony #84AE
It’s just a Rumor, even if Vinnie had something to do with the Booking on Monday, we all know in the long Run it doesn’t mean Crap because of Boreman Drains unfortunately gets the handed win on Sunday, at Mania once again & for Years to come. :o
Background Pony #84AE
Smirks Oh, I see right through that BS! Samoan Diesel losing a few PPVs technically is just being done to get him Sympathy by Wrestling Fans what won’t work of course. We all know who goes over at the Chamber & then gets his millionth Coronation in a Chorus full of Boos at Mania once again…. right? ;) #Predictable
Background Pony #84AE
Hmm… Rollins with the Momentum he has now, you can Debate for him being the Number One Face, but I still go with Gargano being Number One.
We will see how Nakamura gets portrayed the next Weeks & hopefully won’t be horribly booked by Vince/Road Dogg. :o
Background Pony #84AE
It’s just a Rumor, even if Vinnie had something to do with the Booking on Monday, we all know in the long Run it doesn’t mean Crap because of Boreman Drains unfortunately gets the handed win on Sunday, at Mania once again & for Years to come. :o
Unless the Drug/Steroid Story gets hotter the upcoming Weeks, I don’t see Vince/Corporate pulling the plug on their Experiment. :o
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Lunar Guardian - Earned a place among the ranks of the most loyal New Lunar Republic soldiers (April Fools 2023).
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Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
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Shine On U Crazy Diamond
Since i’m a WWE music nut, i guess i’ll be doing this again.
Twilight Sparkle: Let’s Light It Up: (AJ Lee Theme)  
Pinkie Pie: Turn It Up (Bayley Theme)  
Rarity: Sky’s The Limit (Sasha Banks Theme)  
Fluttershy: International Woman (Gail Kim WWE Theme)  
Rainbow Dash: World’s Apart (Sami Zayn Theme)  
AppleJack: Hardcore Country (Mickie James TNA theme)  
Spike: Glorious Domination (Bobby Roode Theme)
Trixie: Marvelous Me (Scott Hall TNA Theme)  
Sunset Shimmer: This Fire Burns (CM Punk old theme)  
Sunset Shummer: (Heel) Blood Brother (Christian 1999 theme)  
Starlight Glimmer: Cult Of Personality (CM Punk theme)  
Starlight Glimmer: (Heel) Puppets On A String (Gail Kim TNA Theme)  
Nightmare Moon: I Bring The Darkness (Baron Corbin Theme  
Daybreaker: Out From The Shadows (Sting WWE Theme)  
Chrysalis: Crow (Sting WWE Theme)  
Discord: Controlled Chaos (Sanity Theme)  
Lord Tirek: Out Of The Fire (Kane Old Theme)  
King Sombra: King Of Kings (Triple H theme)
Princess Celestia: Pomp And Circumstance (Randy Savage theme)  
Princess Luna: Devil’s Sky (Kenny Omega Theme)  
Princess Cadance and Shining Armor: True Love (Mike and Maria Kanellis theme)  
Candace (Heel): Rhapsody In Blue (Shawn Michael’s 1st heel theme)  
Shining Armor (Heel): Circle Of Doom (Ringmaster theme)  
Sunburst: Iceman (Dean Malenko Theme)  
Thorax: Scream (Raven TNA Theme)  
Princess Flurry Heart: Rebel Heart (Johnny Gargano theme)  
Tempest Shadow: Broken Dreams (Drew Mcintyre WWE theme)  
Storm King: Another Way Out (Viscera 3rd theme)
Scootaloo: Just Close Your Eyes (Christian 2005 theme)  
Sweetie Belle: Spiteful (Alexa Bliss Theme)  
Applebloom: Next Level (Roderick Strong theme)  
Princess Ember: Free The Flame (Ember Moon Theme)  
Lightning Dust: Cross The Line (Lance Storm WCW Theme)  
Gilda: It Just Feels Right (Lita Old Theme)  
The Dazzlings: Hands Of The Wicked (Winter TNA Theme)  
Capper: Bring The Swag (Street Profits theme)  
Captain Celaeno: Piracy (Pirate Paul Burchill Theme)  
Queen Novo: Great Gates Of Keiv (Jerry Lawler Theme)  
Princess Skystar: Obsession (Mickie James WWE Theme)  
Zephyr Breeze: Radio (Zack Ryder theme)  
Diamond Tiara: Time To Rock And Roll (Trish Stratus theme)  
Big Mac: Phenomenal (AJ Styles theme)
Celestia, Luna, Cadance & Twilight: Four Horseman (The Four Horseman theme)  
Startrix: On The Edge (Edge And Christian Theme)  
Wonderbolts: Flight Of The Valkyries (Daniel Bryan Theme)  
Shadowbolts: Omen In The Sky (Gallows And Anderson Theme)  
Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon: G.O.A.T (Tino Sabatelli and Riddick Moss theme)  
Flim Flam Brothers: Voix de ville (Vaudevillains theme)
Background Pony #84AE
Rollins, Balor or Strowman should win Tonight, but of course it isn’t going to be the Case. Gonna make Boreman Drains really really Strong Tonight YEEEEAHHHH! Vince Voice #OutOfTouch
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