Lol because I kind of forgot about this thread and am meaning to get it going a bit more, and because I’ve gotten like 5 different PM’s about this one comment of mine, here’s an “as of yet” list of every “monster” pone I’ve drawn:
So far I have done seapony, skunk pony, toilet pony, sketch pony, hair pony, sphinx, tatzlpony, raindigo (cloud pony), pony in the box, dress monster hybrid pony, lubricant pony, lamia, watch pony, goo pony, condom pony, maredusa, bomb pony, frogurt pony, toaster pony, fan pony, lava lamp pony, parasitic slime in the shape of a pony,
cum pony, water pony, tatzlsatyr, Tantasatyr, timbersatyr, windisatyr, parasatyr, goosatyr, ketchup pony, applesauce pony, alp-luachra, Fetish Amalgamate Trixie, Meltavia, paper cutout pony, maredusa head, squirrel pony, soap pony, raw egg pony, bat pony, naughty tentacles that have infested a pony costume, lamp pony, mosquito pony, ghost pony, condom pony, spider pony, bed bug pony, and a vaseline pony.
In no particular order