Yeah my bad for missing that last part. But its not that wrong either.
“I hate to say this but, neither conservatives nor liberals are even remotely close to the situation of the Jews during Nazi Germany”
Like claiming your political opponents tried to have you killed? (Even though she was miles away and evacuated an hour or so before the breach happened last i heard her fellow congressmen calling her out for lying about the events)
Mainstream hosts calling for the Drone striking of US citizens because they dont agree with her ideology in general? Justifying it with saying “Obama already did it to american citizens”
Nancy Pelosi back in 2018 calling for insurrection against the government (especially ironic in the current new “overflow faciliy for housing migrant minors” and reopening such facilities that were closed under Trump xD )
Joe Biden himself on radio telling how he would like to “give him a high threshold of pain” talking about a political opponent, and making sure to repeat that its serious when the radio host laughs.
Later that day repeating it in a rally for his fellow candidate:
Obama era Deputy secretary of state telling people its fine to harass the republican party, telling them they got away with murder.
Manchin telling his supporters that it took a great deal of restraint not to just beat up his political opponent (and love the “he didnt actualy do it in the end so its fine guyzzz! defense from politifact even when they admit its true LOL)
Hillary telling us that once those evil evil GOP are out of power (preferably in both the house and senate), that only then can we be “civil” again
Maxime Waters telling crowds to go harass Trump administration members and how there can be no sleep or peace for them and that they are not welcome anywhere.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FSfUG59wbk (ye picked this one for the intro and the ominous music and scenes added :D )
Thats just stuff off the top of my head that i easily googled, there is much more all around all the time. You think the 2020 events and things like the capitol riot just happened out of the blue? There has been a media and politicians driven polarization from 2016. Maybe you just want to pretend how its over now but heck no, once the genie is out of the bottle its hard to get it back in.
The Nazis didnt invent antisemitism and the current media and politicians didnt invent dividing the nation. But they sure as hell were and are good at maximizing it.
And ill stop here, im a lurker not a poster xD
Yeah my bad for missing that last part. But its not that wrong either.
“I hate to say this but, neither conservatives nor liberals are even remotely close to the situation of the Jews during Nazi Germany”
Like claiming your political opponents tried to have you killed? (Even though she was miles away and evacuated an hour or so before the breach happened last i heard her fellow congressmen calling her out for lying about the events)
Mainstream hosts calling for the Drone striking of US citizens because they dont agree with her ideology in general? Justifying it with saying “Obama already did it to american citizens”
Nancy Pelosi back in 2018 calling for insurrection against the government (especially ironic in the current new “overflow faciliy for housing migrant minors” and reopening such facilities that were closed under Trump xD )
Joe Biden himself on radio telling how he would like to “give him a high threshold of pain” talking about a political opponent, and making sure to repeat that its serious when the radio host laughs.
Later that day repeating it in a rally for his fellow candidate:
Obama era Deputy secretary of state telling people its fine to harass the republican party, telling them they got away with murder.
Manchin telling his supporters that it took a great deal of restraint not to just beat up his political opponent (and love the “he didnt actualy do it in the end so its fine guyzzz! defense from politifact even when they admit its true LOL)
Hillary telling us that once those evil evil GOP are out of power (preferably in both the house and senate), that only then can we be “civil” again
Maxime Waters telling crowds to go harass Trump administration members and how there can be no sleep or peace for them and that they are not welcome anywhere.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FSfUG59wbk (ye picked this one for the intro and the ominous music and scenes added :D )
Thats just stuff off the top of my head that i easily googled, there is much more all around all the time. You think the 2020 events and things like the capitol riot just happened out of the blue? There has been a media and politicians driven polarization from 2016. Maybe you just want to pretend how its over now but heck no, once the genie is out of the bottle its hard to get it back in.
The Nazis didnt invent antisemitism and the current media and politicians didnt invent dividing the nation. But they sure as hell were and are good at maximizing it.
And ill stop here, im a lurker not a poster xD