F.A.T.A.L (From Another Time, Another Life, previously named Fantasy Adventure To Adult Lechery) was a tabletop fantasy RPG released in 2002, and is widely considered by many to be the most controversial and worst tabletop RPG ever created with heavy criticism for both its gameplay and its themes.
On the gameplay, it was hated for it’s needlessly complexity (The instruction manual for the game was nearly 1000 pages long, the game needing 11 character sheets for a single character, and it would need up to 20 10 sided dice for attributing character stats), it’s restrictiveness on character customisation (All character attributes, including things like gender, race and sexual orientation, and even something as simple as hair color, are decided by dice rolls), numerous redundant skills or classes, and overall needlessly harsh difficulty (needing to reroll a state requires the player to get one random mental or physical disability, and its possible for the player to get so many negative rolls during the character creation, that their character can end up dying before the character creation is even done), and most famously, dice roles were used to measure things such as chest sizes and the circumference of the PC’s anus
For the themes it was criticised for it’s incredibly violent and sexual nature, as well are including racism (there was originally an armor that would cause the wearer to act out incredibly racist ethnic stereotypes), misogyny (choosing to play as a female character grants several serious debuffs to the character, locks them out of the majority of classes, makes the character become uglier if they wish to become stronger, and several sexual themed spells only work on female characters), necrophillia (A spell “Have Her Cadaver” would cast an illusion on a dead body, turning it into a sleeping nude female that causes whoever sees it to want to have se with it), and for a disturbingly high amount of sexual violence (“Rape” is listed as a type of combat encounter in the manual, with no option for characters to engagein consensual sex, and female characters are at risk of being sent into sex slavery)