Wesley Foxx
The Fluffiest
If you haven’t heard of it… I kind of don’t believe you :V Its the MLP of the internet as far as evangelical fandom goes. Let me tell you about Homestuck.
Its a big webcomic. Not only is it absurdly long at several thousand pages, it also includes .gifs, flash animations and interactive walkthrough minigames, and features a massive cast of characters.
It starts out slow, but gets completely insane quickly after the first act. More time shenanigans than anything short of Doctor Who.
If you’re actually new, here’s the introductory page. Also, beware, because there’s probably going to be fuckloads of spoilers in this thread.
Its a big webcomic. Not only is it absurdly long at several thousand pages, it also includes .gifs, flash animations and interactive walkthrough minigames, and features a massive cast of characters.
It starts out slow, but gets completely insane quickly after the first act. More time shenanigans than anything short of Doctor Who.
If you’re actually new, here’s the introductory page. Also, beware, because there’s probably going to be fuckloads of spoilers in this thread.